【簡體曬書區】 單本79折,5本7折,活動好評延長至5/31,趕緊把握這一波!
Step by Step 聽透VOA:聽力理解‧高級(附光碟)(簡體書)

Step by Step 聽透VOA:聽力理解‧高級(附光碟)(簡體書)

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Chapter 1 文化之窗

01 Nicknames for Los Angeles
洛杉磯別名 / 2
02 Top Brass
“老板”的來歷 / 6
03 Santa Claus
圣誕老人 / 10
04 Fall Guy
替罪羊 / 14
05 Proverbs Tell About Love, War and Money
與戰爭、愛情、金錢有關的諺語 / 18
06 Nicknames for Chicago
芝加哥別名 / 22
07 Nicknames for Cleveland
克里夫蘭的別名 / 26
08 Water Expressions
和“水”相關的表達 / 30
09 It Will Not Wash
這行不通 / 34
10 Get Your Act Together
行動起來 / 38

Chapter 2 災難來襲

01 Deadly Maize Disease Threatens Food Supplies in Kenya
致命玉米疾病威脅肯尼亞糧食安全 / 44
02 US Faces Worst Drought in 56 Years
美國面臨56年以來最為嚴重的干旱 / 48
03 Influences Brought by US Drought
美國干旱帶來的影響 / 52
04 US Farmers Struggle with Drought
美國農民與干旱作抗爭 / 56
05 Rare Fungal Meningitis Outbreak in United States
美國爆發罕見的真菌性腦膜炎 / 59
06 More Low Cost Anti-AIDS Drugs Mean More People Treated
抗艾滋藥物成本越低意味著越多人得到治療 / 63
07 Uganda Fights Another Ebola Outbreak
烏干達再次爆發埃博拉出血熱 / 67
08 Cleanup from US Storm Could Benefit Local Economy
颶風過境可改善經濟 / 71

Chapter 3 經濟之聲

01 Job Opportunities and Unemployment in South Africa
南非的就業機會和失業率 / 76
02 Economic Hard Times Increase Immigration Tensions in Europe
經濟困難時期增加歐洲移民的緊張度 / 80
03 Major US City Detroit Files for Bankruptcy
美國主要城市底特律申請破產 / 84
04 E-Commerce Challenges Traditional Stores
電子商務挑戰傳統商店 / 88
05 Banking Reform Is Central to Burmas Economic Progress
銀行業改革是緬甸經濟進程的重點 / 92
06 "Patriotic Millionaires" Say Their Taxes Are Too Low
美國“愛國富豪”呼吁對自己增稅 / 96
07 Ethiopia Permits Mobile Banking and Money Services
埃塞俄比亞批準移動銀行和移動支付 / 100
08 Vietnam Opens Its Markets to More Foreign-owned Securities Companies
越南向外資開放證券公司市場 / 104
09 First Presidential Debate Centers on Economic Concerns
美國總統競選首場辯論聚焦經濟問題 / 108

Chapter 4 教育之道

01 US Lawmakers Debate the Costs of Education
美國立法者討論教育成本問題 / 114
02 Build a School in Burma
在緬甸興建學校 / 118
03 Young Taliban Victim Calls for Childrens Education Rights
塔利班槍擊受害女生呼吁保障兒童受教育的權利 / 122
04 How an Allowance Helps Children Learn About Money
如何用零花錢幫助孩子們學會理財 / 126
05 New Digital Library to Display World on the Internet
互聯網上的世界數字圖書館 / 130
06 Puberty Lessons for African Girls May Raise Attendance
青春期教育可能有助于提高非洲女孩出勤率 / 134
07 Young People in Developing Countries Fail to Complete Schooling
發展中國家很多青年未能完成學業 / 138
08 American Documents the Countrys First Exchange Students from China
美國著作記錄第一批留美中國學生 / 142

Chapter 5 娛樂天地

01 Country Music Thrives in 2012
2012年大放異彩的鄉村音樂 / 148
02 K inky Boots Becomes the Biggest Winner at the 67th Tony Awards
《長靴妖姬》成為第67屆托尼獎最大贏家 / 151
03 Trance Hypnotizes and Entertains
《木乃伊之吻》——魅惑的吸引力和驚喜的觀賞感 / 155
04 Man of Steel Still Going Strong
《超人:鋼鐵之軀》震撼來襲 / 158
05 Musical Prodigy Emily Bear Shines on Diversity
音樂神童埃米莉?貝爾因《花樣精靈》而閃耀 / 162
06 Remembering J.J. Cale
紀念J?J?凱爾 / 166
07 Drive-in Movies in US Still Draw Crowds
汽車影院在美國仍能吸引大批觀眾 / 170

Chapter 6 環境保護

01 Will There Be Enough Water for Everyone
水,還夠嗎 / 176
02 To Protect Rhinos, Anti-Poaching Business Grows in South Africa
南非保安公司為保護犀牛開展反偷獵業務 / 180
03 Improving Feed Efficiency in Cattle
提高牛的飼養效率 / 184
04 Micro-irrigation Pioneer Wins World Food Prize
滴灌技術開創者獲得世界糧食獎 / 188
05 How Overfishing Threatens Asias Wild Fish Stocks
過度捕撈威脅亞洲野生魚類資源 / 192
06 Russian Prime Minister Calls for Ban on Smoking in Public
俄羅斯總理呼吁公共場合禁煙 / 196
07 Scientists Dispute Study of Genetically Modified Corn
科學家對轉基因玉米導致腫瘤提出異議 / 200
08 Scientists Say Climate Change Threatens Mekong Livelihoods
科學家稱氣候變化威脅湄公河流域百姓生計 / 204
09 Tobacco Forces Still Strong
煙草勢力仍然強大 / 208
10 A UN Warning About Chemical Dangers
聯合國報告:來自化學品的風險加劇 / 212

Chapter 7 健康之路

01 City Gardens Provide Healthy Food
城市菜園提供健康食物 / 218
02 BPA Influence Human Health
雙酚A影響人類健康 / 222
03 Daily Exercise Leads to Better Health
每天鍛煉給你帶來好身體 / 226
04 Asthma Affecting Peoples Health
哮喘影響人體健康 / 230
05 Bad Teeth—Gums Major Problems
蛀牙——嚴重的牙齒問題 / 234
06 Food Supplies Is Important for Hunger
食物供應情況對饑餓問題很重要 / 238
07 Condition of Oceans Affects Human Health
海洋環境影響人類健康 / 242
08 People Living Near Toxic Waste Sites Are Exposed to Many Chemicals
有毒廢料處理場附近居民暴露于多種化學品污染中 / 246
09 Overweight Children in Developing Countries
發展中國家超重兒童數量急劇增加 / 250

Chapter 8 社會生活

01 How Hair Grows
頭發是如何生長的 / 256
02 Congress Debates Subsidies for US Farmers
美國國會就農民補貼展開辯論 / 260
03 USDA Agreed to Change the Design of Meat Labels
美國農業部同意變更肉類標簽設計 / 264
04 Opium Poppy Growing Has Increased in Afghanistan
阿富汗的鴉片種植連年增加 / 268
05 In the Garden: Growing Beets
如何種植甜菜 / 272
06 Vegetables Made in the Shade
樹蔭下的蔬菜 / 275
07 Getting a Firm Grip on Weed Control
控制雜草生長的辦法 / 279
08 New Rules Aim to Improve US Food Safety
美國出臺提升食品安全的新規定 / 283
09 South Koreas Newest Trains Take Tracks Less Traveled
韓國最新列車不走尋常路 / 287
10 Boba Tea Is Hip to Be Asian in the US
珍珠奶茶正在亞裔美籍人中流行 / 291

Chapter 9 科技縱橫

01 Scientists for the First Time Create Human Stem Cells Through Cloning
科學家首次通過克隆獲取人類干細胞 / 296
02 Malawi Hospital Expands Use of Electronic Records
馬拉維醫院擴大使用電子病歷 / 300
03 Watching for Early Signs of Autism in Babies
觀察兒童自閉癥的早期跡象 / 304
04 Researchers Develop Treatment for PTSD
研究人員開發出創傷后應激障礙癥的療法 / 308
05 New Generation of Laptops Spell Trouble for PCs
新一代筆記本對個人電腦造成麻煩 / 312
06 Smartphone Apps Are Encouraging Young Smokers
一些智能手機應用程序鼓勵年輕人吸煙 / 316
07 Slow and Gentle Are Best in Treating Hypothermia
低溫癥患者的處理原則 / 320
08 How to Stay Warm and Safe in Freezing Weather
嚴寒天氣如何保暖 / 324
09 The Ups and Downs of Living Longer
壽命延長方面的此長彼消 / 327
10 Seeking HIV Tests for All in US Age 15-65
對所有15~65歲美國人進行艾滋病毒檢測 / 331


01 Nicknames for Los Angeles

◆ 詞解新聞意
答:Los Angeles [l?:s] [?nd??l?s]


◆ 輕松聽新聞 Listening
Los Angeles, California is the second largest city in population, after New York City. Los Angeles has several nicknames. One is simply the citys initials, L.A. It is also called the City of Angels because Los Angeles means "the angels" in Spanish. Los Angeles often has warm, sunny weather. So another nickname is City of Flowers and Sunshine. New York is called The Big Apple. So Los Angeles is sometimes called The Big Orange because of the fruit that grows in that citys warm climate. The American motion picture and television industries are based in Los Angeles. So it is not surprising that it is called The Entertainment Capital of the World. Many films are made in the area of Los Angeles called Hollywood. Millions of people visit the area. No trip to Los Angeles is complete without seeing the word "Hollywood" spelled out in huge letters on a hillside. Many movie stars live in Los Angeles. The city is sometimes called Tinseltown. This nickname comes from the shiny, bright and often unreal nature of Hollywood and the movie industry. Another nickname for Los Angeles is La-La Land, using the first letters of Los and Angeles. This means a place that is fun and not serious, and maybe even out of touch with reality.
Many people love Los Angeles for its warm sunny weather, beautiful mountains and beaches, and movie stars. That includes Randy Newman, who sings about his hometown.

◆ 開心譯分鐘 Translation
加州洛杉磯是美國第二大人口城市①,僅次于紐約。洛杉磯有很多別名,其中一個別名就是該城市的首字母L.A.。它也被稱為“天使之城”,因為在西班牙語中,Los Angeles意為“天使”。洛杉磯常年氣候溫和,陽光明媚,因此它還被稱為“鮮花和陽光之城”。紐約被稱為“大蘋果”,而因為溫和的氣候非常適宜橙子的生長,因此洛杉磯有時也被稱為“大橙子”。洛杉磯是美國影視行業基地②,因此它被稱為“世界娛樂之都”也就不足為奇了。很多電影都是在洛杉磯的好萊塢
制作③的。數百萬④游客到此游覽。到過洛杉磯,卻沒看見山坡上⑤“Hollywood”那幾個大字,那這趟旅程⑥是不完整的⑦。很多影星都生活⑧在洛杉磯,這里有時也被稱為“浮華城”。這個別名源于⑨好萊塢以及好萊塢電影閃亮、耀眼和虛幻的特質。洛杉磯的另一個別名為“ La-La Land”,由Los和Angeles的首字母拼成,意思是這里是一片歡樂且不刻板的地方,有時甚至會與現實脫節⑩。

◆ 核心詞匯連連記
population n. 人口
nickname n. 綽號
initial n. 首字母
angel n. 天使
climate n. 氣候
motion n. 運動
industry n. 工業
complete adj. 完整的
hillside n. 山坡
shiny adj. 發光的
serious adj. 嚴肅的
touch n. 接觸
reality n. 現實
beach n. 沙灘
hometown n. 家鄉

◆ 實用短語對對碰
① the second largest city
② be based in
③ be made in
④ millions of
⑤ on a hillside
⑥ trip to
⑦ be complete without
⑧ live in
⑨ come from
⑩ out of touch

◆ 聽力理解練習 Practice
1. According to this passage, which is the largest city in population?
A. Los Angeles B. California C. New York City D. Washington
2. Why is Los Angeles called the City of Angels?
A. Because there are angels in L.A.
B. Because people in L.A. look like angels.
C. Because people in L.A. hope there are angels in their city.
D. Because the meaning in Spanish is “the angels”.
3. According to this passage, which of the following is NOT the nickname for L.A.?
A. City of Angels
B. City of Flowers and Sunshine
C. The Big Apple
D. The Entertainment Capital of the World

◆ 聽力點撥與解析
1. 解析:C 該題目是對文章開頭內容的考查,屬于推測題。文章第一段一開始提出“Los Angeles, California is the second largest city in
population, after New York City.(加州洛杉磯是美國第二大人口城 市,僅次于紐約。)”很明顯,第一大人口城市是紐約。

2. 解析:D 該題目是對文章第一段內容理解程度的考查,屬于細節題。文章第一段最后提到“It is also called the City of Angels because Los Angeles
means‘the angels’in Spanish.(它也被稱為‘天使之城’,因為在西班牙語中,Los Angeles意為‘天使’。)” 聽到“City of Angels”和“because”

3. 解析:C 該題目是對文章第二段內容理解程度的考查,屬于細節題。文章第二段提到“New York is called The Big Apple. So Los Angeles is
sometimes called The Big Orange because of the fruit that grows in that city’s warm climate.(紐約被稱為‘大蘋果’,而因為溫和的氣候非常適




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