Computational Hydrodynamics of Capsules and Biological Cells

Computational Hydrodynamics of Capsules and Biological Cells


:NT$ 10075 元
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Spanning biological, mathematical, computational, and engineering sciences, computational biofluiddynamics addresses a diverse family of problems involving fluid flow inside and around living organisms, organs, tissue, biological cells, and other biological materials. Computational Hydrodynamics of Capsules and Biological Cells provides a comprehensive, rigorous, and current introduction to the fundamental concepts, mathematical formulation, alternative approaches, and predictions of this evolving field.

In the first several chapters on boundary-element, boundary-integral, and immersed-boundary methods, the book covers the flow-induced deformation of idealized two-dimensional red blood cells in Stokes flow, capsules with spherical unstressed shapes based on direct and variational formulations, and cellular flow in domains with complex geometry. It also presents simulations of microscopic hemodynamics and hemorheology as well as results on the deformation of capsules and cells in dilute and dense suspensions. The book then describes a discrete membrane model where a surface network of viscoelastic links emulates the spectrin network of the cytoskeleton, before presenting a novel two-dimensional model of red and white blood cell motion. The final chapter discusses the numerical simulation of platelet motion near a wall representing injured tissue.

This volume provides a roadmap to the current state of the art in computational cellular mechanics and biofluiddynamics. It also indicates areas for further work on mathematical formulation and numerical implementation and identifies physiological problems that need to be addressed in future research. MATLAB® code and other data are available at


C. Pozrikidis is a professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.


Flow-Induced Deformation of Two-Dimensional Biconcave Capsules, C. PozrikidisIntroduction Mathematical framework Numerical method Cell shapes and dimensionless numbers Capsule deformation in infinite shear flow Capsule motion near a wall Discussion

Flow-Induced Deformation of Artificial Capsules, D. Barthès-Biesel, J. Walter, and A.-V. SalsacIntroduction Membrane mechanicsCapsule dynamics in flow B-spline projection Coupling finite elements and boundary integralsCapsule deformation in linear shear flowDiscussion

A High-Resolution Fast Boundary-Integral Method for Multiple Interacting Blood Cells, Jonathan B. Freund and Hong ZhaoIntroductionMathematical frameworkFast summation in boundary-integral computationsMembrane mechanicsNumerical fidelitySimulationsSummary and outlook

Simulating Microscopic Hemodynamics and Hemorheology with the Immersed-Boundary Lattice-Boltzmann Method, J. Zhang, P. C. Johnson, and A.S. PopelIntroduction The lattice-Boltzmann methodThe immersed-boundary method Fluid property updating Models of RBC mechanics and aggregation Single cells and groups of cellsCell suspension flow in microvesselsSummary and discussion

Front-Tracking Methods for Capsules, Vesicles, and Blood Cells, Prosenjit BagchiIntroduction Numerical methodCapsule deformation in simple shear flowCapsule interception Capsule motion near a wall Suspension flow in a channel Rolling on an adhesive substrate Summary

Dissipative Particle Dynamics Modeling of Red Blood Cells, D.A. Fedosov, B. Caswell, and G.E. KarniadakisIntroduction Mathematical frameworkMembrane mechanical propertiesMembrane-solvent interfacial conditions Numerical and physical scaling Membrane mechanics Membrane rheology from twisting torque cytometry Cell deformation in shear flow Tube flow Summary
Simulation of Red Blood Cell Motion in Microvessels and Bifurcations, T.W. SecombIntroduction Axisymmetric models for single-file RBC motion Two-dimensional models for RBC motion Tank-treading in simple shear flow Channel flow Motion through diverging bifurcations Motion of multiple cells Discussion
Multiscale Modeling of Transport and Receptor-Mediated Adhesion of Platelets in the Bloodstream, N.A. Mody and M.R. KingIntroductionMathematical framework Motion of an oblate spheroid near a wall in shear flow Brownian motion Shape and wall effects on hydrodynamic collision Transient aggregation of two platelets near a wall Conclusions and future directions







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