Understanding Tahrir Square ─ What Transitions Elsewhere Can Teach Us About the Prospects for Arab Democracy

Understanding Tahrir Square ─ What Transitions Elsewhere Can Teach Us About the Prospects for Arab Democracy


:NT$ 2035 元
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In the early days of the Arab Spring, the world looked on breathlessly as democracy movements swept across a part of the world long considered a bastion of authoritarianism. Tunisia. Then Egypt. And Libya. Optimists saw a democratic wave gathering steam, becoming an inexorable force for greater freedom and political participation. But achieving democratic change is never easy. Both Tunisia and Egypt seem paralyzed by disputes between Islamists and secularists. Instability continues to plague Libya and Yemen. And longstanding dictatorships such as the Assad regime in Syria are not conceding easily. Where do things go from here?

In Understanding Tahrir Square, Brookings scholar Stephen R. Grand looks at the experience of Third Wave democratizers elsewhere around the globe, in order to improve our understanding of the prospects for Arab democracy. The title refers to Tahrir Square, the Cairo public space that became a focal point in the Egyptian Revolution. At one time, it seemed as if that name would take on the same resonance as the fall of the Berlin Wall did more than two decades ago, but the promise of Tahrir has faded as democracy's march seems to have stalled in the region. Unrest continues to shake Egypt, and rebels are stymied in Syria. Is this to be expected? Based on past experiences elsewhere, how is democracy eventually won? What can the United States and other democracies do to help?

Grand includes instructive chapters on democracy movements in Latin America, the former East bloc, Africa, and Asia. For each region, Grand provides a series of case studies that ground the discussion. In order of appearance, they are Chile, Argentina, Venezuela, Bolivia, Slovakia, Serbia, Belarus, Ukraine, Ghana, Zambia, Nigeria, Uganda, Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Pakistan. He examines how democracy came to each region, the particular challenges posed, and how each region fared. Two final chapters summarize the lessons learned and the policy implications for Arab Spring nations.


Stephen R. Grand is a nonresident senior fellow with the Project on U.S. Relations with the Islamic World (which he directed for six years), housed within the Saban Center for Middle East Policy, in the Foreign Policy program at the Brookings Institution. Before coming to Brookings, he was director of the Middle East Strategy Group at the Aspen Institute. He also has been a scholar-in-residence at American University in Washington, an international affairs fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, a director of programs at the German Marshall Fund, and a professional staff member for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.







定價:100 2035



