Understanding the Purpose of Marriage: Having the Marriage of Your Dreams

Understanding the Purpose of Marriage: Having the Marriage of Your Dreams


:NT$ 440 元
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The institution of marriage has fallen on hard times, which should come as no surprise to anyone. Even among couples that identify as Christians, the divorce rate has risen, and even where divorce has not occurred, many marriages are unpleasant, unhealthy, and unfulfilling. I've watched a lot of individuals struggle in their marriages, and I've seen marriages move from exciting to uninteresting. Many couples have stated that they prefer dating their spouse rather than marrying them, and they stated this with sincerity. Some people are even apprehensive about getting married. These people yearn for the fun, excitement, and sensations they shared with their lovers before they married them. This is also one of the reasons why some men or women usually return to their ex partner in search of what they could easily acquire from their spouse if he or she understood what marriage is all about. Marriage wasn't supposed to put an end to all of your enjoyment; it was supposed to intensify it. Whatever you did during courtship, you should do twice as much now that you're married. You should not kill the fun; rather, you should learn to enjoy it. Marriage is supposed to be lovely, enjoyable, simple, and straightforward. It was never meant to be as stressful as it is now. So, what exactly is the problem? I discovered that marriages fail because of a lack of understanding of the purpose of marriage. Everything in life has a purpose. The comprehension of your marriage will be illuminated by knowing the fundamental, God-given purpose for both men and women. It would be silly to become incensed when you couldn't operate a camera that you bought without receiving sufficient instruction on how to use it and you entirely ignored the documentation. Trying to run a marriage without consulting its authorized manual, is just as foolish. Males and females have different but perfectly complementary designs. The secret to a successful marriage is to recognize, support, and benefit from these harmonious purposes. It is to help one's spouse, through unconditional love, to become all God created him or her to be. Where purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable. No matter how serious you are about your marriage, if you don't know the reason why it exists, you will abuse it in some way. Understanding the Purpose of Marriage introduces you to God's plan for husbands and wives and provides principles you can immediately put into practice in your marriage. As you grow to be the couple God designed you to be, you will discover first hand the truth of the Scripture, They shall become one flesh. This book comprises of two sections, section A and section B. I hope that before you finish reading this book, you will have an understanding of the purpose of marriage and start having the marriage of your dream.







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