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學霸筆記系列套書 (科學、幾何、世界史)(共3本)

1.學霸筆記系列套書 (科學、幾何、世界史)(共3本)

你渴望「學霸之力」嗎!?連記憶吐司都望塵莫及的超高學習效率,讓你的滿級分之路事半功倍! 《學霸筆記:世界史》原始人、古代非洲、中世紀歐洲、現代人權議題等通通一把罩!從史前到現代,用幽默風趣的敘述方式,爬梳歷史關鍵大事。 《學霸筆記:幾何》臺灣數學史教育學會理事長 洪萬生 最新譯作!本書涵蓋了中學數學課中所有幾何內容,將幾何一一分解成為可攻略的各個單元。 《學霸筆記:科學》從原子到太空,國高中自然科學課程一次統整!由自然科學通用的科學探究方法開始,有系統地呈現物理、化學、生物與地科課程的框架和脈絡。 ▍美國狂銷學習筆記精華集結有系統地涵蓋國高中世界史、自然科(物理、化學、生物與地科)、數學幾何課程的知識,學生能清楚地找到與當前課程相關的內容閱讀。 ▍腦力超覺醒,激發無限的學習潛能用筆記幫你把學到的知識融會貫通!主題分類清晰明確,內容規劃具系統性,先用前言引導主題,再層層推進,講述關鍵細節,最後以小測驗總結各章重點,關鍵概念不遺漏! ▍擺脫教科書的框架,用有趣的方法變聰明學生筆記還原度100%!全書以橫線筆記頁面為背景,搭手繪風格的趣味塗鴉、圖表、字體設計,關鍵字加粗、標底色,版面設計生動活潑,模擬學生做筆記的習慣,閱讀本書就像在看真的筆記,親切感十足。 【系列特色】1.重點整理與歸納,讓重要觀念更清晰!2.超高效記憶學習法,提升學習記憶力!3.名詞解釋,針對專有名詞再詳解說明!4.創意圖解,將複雜知識一一拆解吸收!5.筆記式寫法,學習也是一種藝術美學! 讀者佳評如潮!「這本書讓學習變得更好玩了!」「自從我買給女兒後,她的成績大幅提升!」「鮮豔的顏色和圖表化資訊,都有助於學習、更易吸收知識!」 ★適讀年齡:10歲以上
定價:1790 元, 優惠價:75 1342
庫存 > 10


作者:Workman Publishing-著; Chris Pearce-繪; 高梓侑-譯  出版社:三民書局  出版日:2022/01/03 裝訂:精裝
★美國亞馬遜 Kindle Store 兒童學習輔導書類暢銷榜No.1 ★讓學霸的筆記教你有系統地理解自然科學 ★從原子到太空,國高中課程的物理、化學、生物與地科用一本書通通整理在一起! 「質量守恆定律有哪些運用?能量的種類有哪些?」「我們用什麼方式去了解外太空?」「植物氣孔的功能是什麼?」「限制因子是什麼?生物要怎麼避免為了相同的限制因子進行競爭?」 面對現今國高中自然科領域的各式難題,你是否正煩惱該如何將凌亂的學習資訊構建出一套嚴謹的知識體系?你會好奇地想知道,班上的學霸同學到底是怎麼學習的嗎? 無論是老師或學生都能收穫滿滿的實用學習筆記,霸氣登場!只要你願意,總有變強的方法,例如翻開這本學霸筆記!學霸養成的自我修練之路,你,準備好踏出第一步了嗎? ▍美國狂銷學習筆記精華集結由自然科學通用的科學探究方法開始,內容涵蓋中學生會學到的物理、化學、生物與地科知識,抓住核心概念,有系統地呈現了自然科學的框架和脈絡,引導你輕鬆構建自然科學的知識體系,全方位了解真正內涵。 ▍腦力超覺醒,激發無限的學習潛能用筆記幫你把學到的知識融會貫通!主題分類清晰明確,內容規劃具系統性,先用前言引導主題,再層層推進,講述關鍵細節,最後以小測驗總結各章重點,關鍵概念不遺漏! ▍擺脫教科書的框架,用有趣的方法變聰明學生筆記還原度100%!全書以橫線筆記頁面為背景,搭手繪風格的趣味塗鴉、圖表、字體設計,關鍵字加粗、標底色,版面設計生動活潑,模擬學生做筆記的習慣,閱讀本書就像在看真的筆記,親切感十足。 【系列特色】1.重點整理與歸納,讓重要觀念更清晰!2.超高效記憶學習法,提升學習記憶力!3.名詞解釋,針對專有名詞再詳解說明!4.創意圖解,將複雜知識一一拆解吸收!5.筆記式寫法,學習也是一種藝術美學!讀者五星好評熱議!「我有兩個在家自學的兒子,但從不擔心跟不上學校課程,因為他們可以從學霸筆記中學習需要的知識!」「作為一名自然科教師,我將這本書推薦給每一位孩子正在就讀中學的家長。」「自從我買這本書給七年級的女兒後,她的考試成績大幅提升了!」「我和孩子都很喜歡這本書!鮮豔的顏色和圖表化資訊,都能有助於學習、更易吸收知識!」
定價:580 元, 優惠價:79 458
庫存 > 10


作者:Christy Needham-著; Kim Ku-繪; 洪萬生-譯  出版社:三民書局  出版日:2022/01/03 裝訂:精裝
★美國亞馬遜 輔助學習電子書-青少年與青年類暢銷榜No.1★美國亞馬遜 數學電子書-青少年與青年類暢銷榜No.3★讓學霸的筆記教你有系統地理解數學幾何,用技巧做好筆記★臺灣數學史教育學會理事長、臺灣師範大學數學系退休教授 洪萬生 最新譯作!★「如果說我看得比別人遠, 那是因為我站在巨人的肩上。」——牛頓 學霸養成、翻轉成績、超強筆記大公開! 1. 先修、預習、複習三種模式,一本搞定!2. 不補習,自學一樣拿高分!3. 只要一本,你會見證到筆記的奇蹟。4. 讀書別靠爆發力!持續閱讀這本書, 考試升學通通完勝!幾何?沒問題!這款學霸筆記涵蓋了中學幾何課中需要了解的所有內容,將一個艱深科目分解為可攻略的單元。學會使用標記符號,定義,圖表,教育性塗鴉和測驗來複習所有內容,用更好的學習方式並取得更好的成績。 目次:邏輯與論證、平行線、三角形與全等、梯形和箏形、比和比例、勾股定理、圓的基礎、面積、方柱體和圓柱體的體積等。 只要你願意,總有變強的方法,例如翻開這本學霸筆記!學霸養成的自我修練之路,你,準備好踏出第一步了嗎? ▍美國狂銷學習筆記精華集結本書涵蓋了中學數學課中所有幾何內容,將一個艱深科目分解為可攻略的單元。透過這本學霸筆記,你將學會用更好的學習方式,取得更好的成績! ▍腦力超覺醒,激發無限的學習潛能用筆記幫你把學到的知識融會貫通!主題分類清晰明確,內容規劃具系統性,先用前言引導主題,清楚掌握時代特色,再層層推進,講述時代特色與關鍵細節,最後以小測驗總結各章重點,關鍵概念不遺漏! ▍擺脫教科書的框架,用有趣的方法變聰明學生筆記還原度100%!全書以橫線筆記頁面為背景,搭手繪風格的趣味塗鴉、圖表、字體設計,關鍵字加粗、標底色,版面設計生動活潑,模擬學生做筆記的習慣,閱讀本書就像在看真的筆記,親切感十足。 【系列特色】1.重點整理與歸納,讓重要觀念更清晰!2.超高效記憶學習法,提升學習記憶力!3.名詞解釋,針對專有名詞再詳解說明!4.創意圖解,將複雜知識一一拆解吸收!5.筆記式寫法,學習也是一種藝術美學! 讀者五星好評熱議!「我幾乎把一整套學霸筆記都買下了!真希望在我過去第一次學習這些科目時,就已經擁有它們!」「這本書寫得非常好!我想向任何想要學習幾何的人推薦這本書!」「對家長、老師
定價:630 元, 優惠價:79 497
庫存 > 10


作者:Ximena Vengoechea-著; Blake Henry; Tim Hall-繪; 顏冠睿-譯  出版社:三民書局  出版日:2022/01/03 裝訂:精裝
★★入選第45次「文化部中小學生讀物選介」 ★美國亞馬遜上4.8顆星超高評分,暢銷排行No.1 ★讓學霸的筆記教你有系統地理解歷史,用技巧做好筆記 ★原始人、古代非洲、中世紀歐洲、現代人權議題等通通一把罩 「世界史太長了啦,要記的東西好多,結果全部都混在一起了啊啊啊!」你有這種想兩手一攤、崩潰吶喊的情況嗎?你會好奇地想知道,班上的學霸同學到底是怎麼學習的嗎? 無論是老師或學生都能有滿滿收穫的實用學習筆記,霸氣登場! 只要你願意,總有變強的方法,例如翻開這本學霸筆記! 學霸養成的自我修練之路,你,準備好踏出第一步了嗎? ▍美國狂銷學習筆記精華集結 本書有系統地整理中學課程的世界史知識,分九單元講解史前到現代的歷史,從原始人、古代非洲、中世紀亞洲及歐洲發展,到現代的全球性議題,用幽默風趣的敘述方式,爬梳歷史上的關鍵大事。 ▍腦力超覺醒,激發無限的學習潛能 用筆記幫你把學到的知識融會貫通!主題分類清晰明確,內容規劃具系統性,先用前言引導主題,清楚掌握時代特色,再層層推進,講述時代特色與關鍵細節,最後以小測驗總結各章重點,關鍵概念不遺漏! ▍擺脫教科書的框架,用有趣的方法變聰明 學生筆記還原度100%!全書以橫線筆記頁面為背景,搭手繪風格的趣味塗鴉、圖表、字體設計,關鍵字加粗、標底色,版面設計生動活潑,模擬學生做筆記的習慣,閱讀本書就像在看真的筆記,親切感十足。 【系列特色】 1.重點整理與歸納,讓重要觀念更清晰! 2.超高效記憶學習法,提升學習記憶力! 3.名詞解釋,針對專有名詞再詳解說明! 4.創意圖解,將複雜知識一一拆解吸收! 5.筆記式寫法,學習也是一種藝術美學!
定價:580 元, 優惠價:79 458
庫存 > 10
Everything You Need to Ace American History in One Big Fat Notebook

5.Everything You Need to Ace American History in One Big Fat Notebook

作者:Lily Rothman  出版社:Workman Pub Co  出版日:2016/08/09 裝訂:軟精
An exciting book for all middle schoolers (6th-8th grade) who wish they had taken better notes in american history class or just want to jump to the head of the class. Each Big Fat Notebook is like getting to borrow the notebook of the best student in American history class, the one who not only writes down the important points the teacher makes—noting those crucial “you will get tested on these” facts—but also meticulously transcribes key points from the chalkboard and pastes teacher handouts into her notebook. Part “CliffsNotes,” part workbook, this study hack will help kids focus on the things they need to remember in order to rock their middle school exams and ace american history.Each notebook was written by a graduate of a prestigious university, and all the writers graduated with honors in their respective subjects.Everything You Need to Ace American History in One Big Fat Notebook is based on state standards and has been vetted by a middle school American history teacher
定價:593 元, 優惠價:79 468
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Everything You Need to Ace Chemistry in One Big Fat Notebook

6.Everything You Need to Ace Chemistry in One Big Fat Notebook

作者:Jennifer Swanson; Chris Pearce (ILT)  出版社:Workman Pub Co  出版日:2020/09/01 裝訂:軟精
The Big Fat Notebooks go to high school! A lively, fully illustrated guide to acing high school chemistry, with clear notes on the big ideas, helpful tips for memorizing processes and remembering defi
定價:593 元, 優惠價:79 468
庫存 > 10
Everything You Need to Ace Science in One Big Fat Notebook

7.Everything You Need to Ace Science in One Big Fat Notebook

作者:Sharon Madanes  出版社:Workman Pub Co  出版日:2016/08/09 裝訂:軟精
An exciting book for all middle schoolers (6th-8th grade) who wish they had taken better notes in science class or just want to jump to the head of the class. Each Big Fat Notebook is like getting to
定價:593 元, 優惠價:79 468
庫存 > 10
Everything You Need to Ace World History in One Big Fat Notebook

8.Everything You Need to Ace World History in One Big Fat Notebook

作者:Ximena Vengoecheo; Ximena Vengoechea  出版社:Workman Pub Co  出版日:2016/08/09 裝訂:軟精
An exciting book for all middle schoolers (6th-8th grade) who wish they had taken better notes in world history class or just want to jump to the head of the class. Each Big Fat Notebook is like getti
定價:593 元, 優惠價:79 468
庫存 > 10
Everything You Need to Ace Pre-Algebra & Algebra 1 in One Big Fat Notebook

9.Everything You Need to Ace Pre-Algebra & Algebra 1 in One Big Fat Notebook

作者:Workman Publishing; Jason Wang  出版社:Workman Pub Co  出版日:2021/10/05 裝訂:軟精
Pre-Algebra/Algebra 1 is the first real taste of high school math, and for most kids it''s like, uh-oh, we’re not in Kansas anymore! But help is here from the The Big Fat Notebooks, the series that ha
定價:595 元, 優惠價:79 470
庫存 > 10
Everything You Need to Ace Geometry in One Big Fat Notebook

10.Everything You Need to Ace Geometry in One Big Fat Notebook

作者:Christy Needham; Kim Ku (ILT)  出版社:Workman Pub Co  出版日:2020/09/01 裝訂:軟精
The Big Fat Notebooks go to high school! A lively, fully illustrated guide to acing high school geometry, with clear notes on the big ideas, helpful tips for memorizing processes and remembering defin
定價:593 元, 優惠價:79 468
庫存 > 10
Everything You Need to Ace Computer Science and Coding in One Big Fat Notebook

11.Everything You Need to Ace Computer Science and Coding in One Big Fat Notebook

作者:Workman Publishing; Grant Smith  出版社:Workman Pub Co  出版日:2020/04/08 裝訂:軟精
The newest addition to the wildly successful Big Fat Notebook series, with 3.99 million copies in print: a lively, information-packed, and fully illustrated guide to Computer Science and Coding for mi
定價:595 元, 優惠價:79 470
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Everything You Need to Ace Math in One Big Fat Notebook

12.Everything You Need to Ace Math in One Big Fat Notebook

作者:Altair Peterson  出版社:Workman Pub Co  出版日:2016/08/09 裝訂:軟精
An exciting book for all middle schoolers (6th-8th grade) who wish they had taken better notes in math class or just want to jump to the head of the class. Each Big Fat Notebook is like getting to bor
定價:593 元, 優惠價:79 468
庫存 > 10
Everything You Need to Ace English Language Arts in One Big Fat Notebook

13.Everything You Need to Ace English Language Arts in One Big Fat Notebook

作者:Elizabeth Irwin  出版社:Workman Pub Co  出版日:2016/08/09 裝訂:軟精
An exciting book for all middle schoolers (6th-8th grade) who wish they had taken better notes in English class or just want to jump to the head of the class. Each Big Fat Notebook is like getting to
定價:593 元, 優惠價:79 468
庫存 > 10
Everything You Need to Ace Biology in One Big Fat Notebook

14.Everything You Need to Ace Biology in One Big Fat Notebook

作者:Workman Publishing  出版社:Workman Pub Co  出版日:2021/04/27 裝訂:軟精
TheBig Fat Notebooks' big step up to high school continues! Announcing Biology,the third in the high schoolseries. With over 5 million copies in print since 2016, and sales escalating every year, theB
定價:593 元, 優惠價:79 468
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Everything You Need to Ace World History in One Big Fat Notebook, 2nd Edition: The Complete Middle School Study Guide

15.Everything You Need to Ace World History in One Big Fat Notebook, 2nd Edition: The Complete Middle School Study Guide

作者:Workman Publishing  出版社:WORKMAN PR  出版日:2023/04/11 裝訂:平裝
定價:595 元, 優惠價:79 470
庫存 > 10
Everything You Need to Ace U.S. History in One Big Fat Notebook, 2nd Edition: The Complete Middle School Study Guide

16.Everything You Need to Ace U.S. History in One Big Fat Notebook, 2nd Edition: The Complete Middle School Study Guide

作者:Workman Publishing  出版社:WORKMAN PR  出版日:2023/04/11 裝訂:平裝
定價:595 元, 優惠價:79 470
庫存 > 10
Everything You Need to Ace 系列 (共11本)

17.Everything You Need to Ace 系列 (共11本)

作者:Various; Workman Publishing  出版社:Workman Pub Co  出版日:2021/10/05 裝訂:軟精
9780761160830 Everything You Need to Ace American History in One Big Fat Notebook 學霸筆記:美國史9781523504367 Everything You Need to Ace Biology in One Big Fat Notebook 學霸筆記:生物9781523504251 Everything You Need to Ace Chemistry in One Big Fat Notebook 學霸筆記:化學9781523502776 Everything You Need to Ace Computer Science and Coding in One Big Fat Notebook 學霸筆記:電腦與編碼9780761160915 Everything You Need to Ace English Language Arts in One Big Fat Notebook 學霸筆記:語言學習-英文9781523504374 Everything You Need to Ace Geometry in One Big Fat Notebook 學霸筆記:幾何學9780761160960 Everything You Need to Ace Math in One Big Fat Notebook 學霸筆記:數學9781523504381 Everything You Need to Ace Pre-Algebra and Algebra I in One Big Fat Notebook 學霸筆記:代數9780761160953 Everything You Need to Ace Science in One Big Fat Notebook 學霸筆記:科學9780761160946 Everything You Need to Ace World History in One Big Fat Notebook 學霸筆記:世界史9781523513581 The
定價:6529 元, 優惠價:75 4896
庫存 > 10
Everything You Need to Ace World History in One Big Fat Notebook, 2nd Edition:The Complete School Study Guide

18.Everything You Need to Ace World History in One Big Fat Notebook, 2nd Edition:The Complete School Study Guide

作者:Workman Publishing; Editors of Brain Quest  出版社:Workman Publishing  出版日:2023/01/11 裝訂:平裝
定價:769 元, 優惠價:95 731



