The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: with original illustrations

The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: with original illustrations


:NT$ 624 元
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In Nottingham, England, during the reign of Henrik II, Robin Hood, and his merry companions were residing in the forest of Sherwood. Robin Hood was an outlaw loved by people because of his willingness to help. When he was eighteen years old, he decided to participate in a king's archery contest, fighting for the beer as a first prize. At his way, he met a gang of men who were making fun of his belief in victory. They were betting with him in testing his archery skills and lost, trying to hit him with an arrow but Robin manages to escape the drunk archers and even kill one of them. From that moment on he was an outlaw and a crook who stayed in the forest. Besides that, he was accused of being a deer poacher as well, with his head prized for 200 pounds. The Nottingham Sheriff decided to be the one catching the Robin, so he could get the money prize and revenge the death of his cousin, an archer who Robin killed.In the next year, a lot of other outlaws began to gather in the forest, soon electing Robin to be their leader. They've decided to steal from rich and give to the poor and all the others who experienced some kind of injustice.
They were always in the search of a good adventure, and one day Robin met a man while he was crossing the same bridge as he was. The bridge was narrow, with enough of space for only one person, and because no one wanted to step aside, they decided to have a duel. The man appeared to be equally strong as Robin so he offered him a place in his companion, named him Little John and made him sit at Robin's right side during the dinner, giving him also a role of his main assistant. The sheriff of Nottingham declared the warrant for arresting Robin Hood, providing also a wealthy prize for all the information about him as well. But everyone in Nottingham knew about Robin and didn't want to betray him, so the sheriff sent a messenger to the town of Lincoln, where he could find someone who is willing to talk about Robin. Messenger decided to rest in a pub where he met a group of people and told them about his mission of finding Robin Hood. One od the men from that group offered to find Robin Hood because he thought that would be easy, so he went in his search the next morning. Soon he saw Robin Hood in the forest, but he didn't know that was him so he listened to his story about a wicked and slick Robin Hood who could even steal his warrant. The man believed him and went with him to the local pub where everyone knew Robin, and when he got drunk, Robin stole his warrant, leaving them to pay for all the bills, although he already got that covered.







定價:100 624



