本書內容包含特稿王宏志 “叛逆”的譯者:中國近代翻譯史上所見統治者對翻譯的焦慮劉素勳 論霍克斯的《紅樓夢》文化翻譯倫理董大暉、藍素月、邱東龍 中譯英冠詞選擇對翻譯「訊息準確」之影響王 淩 Cultural Transfer in Legal Translation:A Case Study of Translating the Commo
本書內容包含陳子瑋李筱雯 Effects of Turn-taking on the Audience in Short Consecutive Interpreting徐菊清呂曉婷 A Study of Politeness in Translation Using Terms of Address in Jane Austen’s Novels as Examples謝
本書內容包含史宗玲蔡佩珊 The “Explicitation” Feature in Chinese-English Journalistic Translation:The Perspective of the Translator’s Risk Management余淑慧 試論道安翻譯思想之演變吳怡萍 Covert Translator’s Subject