人生是個改變的過程,你想改變嗎?請看本書十二派學者提供給你的解套之道薩提爾家族諮商理論「人們具有需要克服困難和成長的內在資源。『希望』是改變的重要元素」"We all have the internal resources we need to cope successfully and to grow.Hope is a significant component or ingredient for change."鮑恩家族系統理論「當你改變自己的同時也就改變了對方」"Changing oneself ultimately leads to substantive changes in others as well.”海利策略家族諮商「必須要有行動,改變才會跟著發生」”Action must be taken if change is to happen.”米努欽的結構家族諮商理論「光談論問題不會讓改變發生,只有透過面對處理,改變才會發生」”Change is expected to occur as a result of dealing with the problems, rather than talking about them.”焦點解決諮商理論「改變之道是要去打破那一直想解決問題的循環裡」”To change it then attempts to break up the escalating cycle of the attempted solution.”敘事諮商理論「每個人都是依照其所說的故事在過人生」「透過改變訴說這些故事的方式不僅會改變講述者,也會讓榮幸聽到這些故事的諮商師有所改變」“Persons live their lives by stories” “The stories will not only change the teller in the telling but will also change the counselor as a privileged audience of the tale.”動機性晤談諮商理論「當你猶豫不決並充滿矛盾時,你已經離改變又靠近一步了」" If you are ambivalent, you’ re one step closer to changing. "合作取向諮商「改變是通過對
心理學家也是掙扎過來的,每個理論都是心理學者生命淬鍊過的精華 佛洛依德(Sigmund Freud, 1856-1939)中年常感恐懼,不敢出遠門。自我分析四年,完成羅馬之旅。「坦誠面對自己是很好的練習。」“Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise.” 榮格(Carl Jung, 1875-1961)與佛絡依德分手名聲沒落,數年再次