Many amateur astronomers are short of time. A full-time career usually takes up most waking hours, and there very often simply isn't time for leisurely observing sessions, at least a few hours' sleep
There are 'voids' obscuring all kinds of objects in the cosmos. Voids may be within an object, or between an object and us. Dark Nebulae, Dark Lanes, and Dust Lanes looks out into the deep sky at thos
Climate change is acknowledged as being one of the most important areas of research today. Increasing global temperatures will impact all of us to a greater or lesser extent. From the point of view of
The only practical guide to observing truly spectacular astronomical objects from less than perfect locations. The only book to deal in depth with the application of image intensifiers to real-time a
Provide the reader with everything he needs to know about what to observe, and using some of today’s state-of-the-art technique and commercial equipment, how to get superb views of faint and distant a