Many Christians long to see greater depth in their praying but don't know where to turn. Bible-expositor Arthur Pink reminds readers that Scripture itself has much to teach us about prayer. In this b
The foundation of our knowledge of God rests upon knowing what he is like. Without understanding God's attributes, we have a skewed perception of him--often one cast in our own image. We need more tha
In the following pages an attempt has been made to examine anew in the light of God’s Word some of the profoundest questions which can engage the human mind. Others have grappled with these mighty pro
The words Christ spoke from the cross can inform Christians of the purpose, the meaning, the sufferings, and the sufficiency of his death. After an introduction that discusses the nature of Christ's d
The present generation has, for the most part, been reared not only in an atmosphere of negative unbelief but of hostile unbelief. They live in a world where materialism and skepticism are rampant and