自從嘉納博士(Dr. Howard Gardner)提出其心智理論後,許多人驚覺:原來我們追求的學業成績,僅僅是多種智能的其中幾種而已。其他的智能,可能比這少數的幾種智能更重要,也更需要教師、家長的關心。 這本有趣的書以分門別類的方式,依智能的類別來區分遊戲,可協助您與家中寶貝共同探索、發展,進而培養他的各類智能。進行這些遊戲所需要的道具,常常只是家庭或學校中常見的、隨手可得的一些材料(甚至包括
What is your voice saying about you? Your voice matters. Based on your tone and expression alone listeners make up their minds about you before they even process the meaning of your words. And if wha
Every girl can be a princess with the Pink Princess Cookbook! Budding queens everywhere can rescue themselves from snacktime boredom right from the kitchens of their very own castles with special rec
As a child Great-aunt Alice Rumphius resolved that when she grew up she would go to faraway places, live by the sea in her old age, and do something to make the world more beautiful--and she does all
For the smallest kid on the baseball team, Alex “Skinnybones” Frankovitch has a major-league big mouth! But when he brags his way into a pitching contest, this might be one mess that not even Alex can
A rollicking mystery with an unexpected hero, this fully-illustrated chapter book continues the adventures of Ghoulia, a lovable, not-so-scary zombie.One dark and stormy night, Ghoulia's cousin Dilbert comes to visit her at Crumbling Manor. She's confused--she didn't invite him, and it turns out that Dilbert's a real grouch. He complains about everything! When Ghoulia tries to track down Auntie Departed to find out why she invited Dilbert, she finds that Auntie has vanished. Ghoulia can't find her. And the doorbell won't stop ringing. One after another, Ghoulia's friends arrive--all with the same mysterious invitation in hand. As the gang searches Crumbling Manor for Auntie Departed, one of their own goes missing. Finally, Dilbert inadvertently solves the mystery in the greenhouse when he finds himself face-to-face with the sinister Chatterbox Ivy. Clue meets Little Shop of Horrors in this fun romp, which includes full-color illustrations and kid-friendly activities.
Literary Nonfiction. Memoir. Film. Women's Studies. I AM NOT ASHAMED, first published in 1963, is the absurdist tale of a forgotten movie star's unnerving decline. When sleazy journalist Leo Guild a
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In her bestselling novel Prodigal Summer, Barbara Kingsolver weaves together three stories of human love within a larger tapestry of lives inhabiting the forested mountains and struggling small farms
Tired of living on a failing farm and suffering oppressive poverty, bored housewife Dellarobia Turnbow, on the way to meet a potential lover, is detoured by a miraculous event on the Appalachian mount