Albors-Llorens, Albertina (University of Cambridge, UK),Barnard, Catherine (University of Cambridge, UK),Leucht, Dr Brigitte (University of Portsmouth, UK)
Anthony Arnull (EDT)/ Catherine Barnard (EDT)/ Michael Dougan (EDT)/ Eleanor Spaventa (EDT)
Barnard, Catherine (Professor of European Union Law and Labour Law and Senior Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge),Peers, Steve (Professor of Law, University of Essex)
Catherine (Professor of European Union Law and Labour Law and Senior Tutor Barnard Professor of European Union Law and Labour Law and Senior Tutor Trinity College University of Cambridge)
Catherine (University of Cambridge Barnard UK),Dr Janet (University of Cambridge O'Sullivan UK),Graham (University of Cambridge Virgo UK)
Catherine Barnard (EDT)/ Okeoghene Odudu (EDT)
Catherine Barnard (EDT)/ S. F. Deakin (EDT)/ Gillian S. Morris (EDT)/ B. A. Hepple (EDT)
Catherine Barnard (EDT)/ Steve Peers (EDT)
Catherine Barnard (University of Cambridge),Fiona Costello (University of Cambridge),Sarah Fraser Butlin (University of Cambridge)
Dr Zoe (University of Cambridge Adams UK),Catherine (University of Cambridge Barnard UK),Simon Deakin FBA (University of Cambridge UK),Sarah (Cloisters Chambers Fraser Butlin UK)
Kern Alexander/ Catherine Barnard/ Ellis Ferran/ Andrew Lang/ Niamh Moloney
Roger Blanpain (EDT)/ Hiroya Nakakubo (EDT)/ Takashi Araki (EDT)/ Catherine Barnard (CON)/ Cing-kae Chiao (CON)
Thereze Catherine Barnard
;Barnard, Catherine (University of Cambridge, UK),Lazowski, Adam (University of Westminster, UK),Sarmiento, Daniel (University Complutense of Madrid, Spain)