Nephrology is an important speciality; patients with acute or chronic kidney failure are encountered in every medical and surgical speciality, as well as in general practice. On most general medical r
In-depth answers for professionals looking to accurately value foreign equities Transnational Equity Analysis is today's most thorough guide to its subject, examining and comparing the techniques
The first basic overview of all aspects of transplantation with a clarity not to be found in more inaccessible textbooks. This brand new title provides a succinct overview of both the scientific and c
The row over the consecration of a gay bishop in America has been thecatalyst for a showdown between liberals and conservatives in the worldwide church. Clatworthy argues that it goes deeper than that
Environmental destruction, poverty in the midst of obscene wealth, one war after another. Our biggest crises are getting worse. Secularism makes this inevitable by denying any moral authority higher t