Television’s longest-running chase story, The Fugitive was a dramatically charged show that followed Dr. Richard Kimble on his quest to prove his innocence and find his wife’s one-armed killer. A prod
Breaking Bad: Critical Essays on the Contexts, Politics, Style, and Reception of the Television Series, edited by David P. Pierson, examines the social contexts, cultural politics, and visual, aural,
Breaking Bad: Critical Essays on the Contexts, Politics, Style, and Reception of the Television Series, edited by David P. Pierson, examines the social contexts, cultural politics, and visual, aural,
Ecological surrogates and indicators are used widely by resource managers because they provide a simpler way to monitor and understand complex biota and ecosystem processes. The potential for surrogat
Ken Jacobs has been making cinema for more than fifty years. Along with over thirty film and video works, he has created an array of shadow plays, sound pieces, installations, and magic lantern and fi
Ken Jacobs has been making cinema for more than fifty years. Along with over thirty film and video works, he has created an array of shadow plays, sound pieces, installations, and magic lantern and fi