From the creators of the critically acclaimed The Night Gardener and Ocean Meets Sky comes a whimsical and elegantly illustrated picture book about community, art, the importance of giving back--and the wonder that fell from the sky. It fell from the sky on a Thursday. None of the insects know where it came from, or what it is. Some say it's an egg. Others, a gumdrop. But whatever it is, it fell near Spider's house, so he's convinced it belongs to him. Spider builds a wonderous display so that insects from far and wide can come look at the marvel. Spider has their best interests at heart. So what if he has to charge a small fee? So what if the lines are long? So what if no one can even see the wonder anymore? But what will Spider do after everyone stops showing up?
多次入選凱特.格林威大獎《午夜園丁》作者范氏兄弟帶來溫馨成長新作。小女孩在公園買了一朵雲,她像呵護植物一樣照顧這朵雲,當雲越長越大,她的房間再也容納不下時,她會決定放手嗎?畫面沒有繽紛的顏色,細膩的筆觸,讓人想要重複翻看。如果你還沒看過范氏兄弟的書,很推薦這本。From the critically acclaimed, award-winning creators of Ocean Meets Sky and The Night Gardener comes a whimsical and sweet tale of a young girl who cares for her pet cloud as it grows.It's a little out of fashion to buy a pet cloud, but Lizzy doesn't mind. She's not looking for a big one or a fancy one, just one that's right for her. And she finds it in Milo. Soon, she's taking Milo out on walks with her family, watering Milo right on schedule, and seeing Milo grow and grow. But what happens when her pet cloud gets too big for Lizzy to handle?
From the creators of the critically acclaimed The Night Gardener and Ocean Meets Sky comes a whimsical and elegantly illustrated picture book about community, art, the importance of giving back – and the wonder that fell from the sky. THE GUARDIAN "[...] gorgeous illustration […] intricate monochrome […] acid-bright touches of colour […] will prompt lively discussion."It fell from the sky on a Thursday. None of the insects know where it came from, or what it is.Some say it’s an egg. Others, a gumdrop. But whatever it is, it fell near Spider’s house, so he’s convinced it belongs to him.Spider builds a wonderous display so that insects from far and wide can come to look at the marvel. Spider has their best interests at heart. So what if he has to charge a small fee? So what if the lines are long?But as Spider raises the prices, insects stop showing up, much to Spider's bemusement.And then, all of a sudden, an unexpected disaster hits and the marvel disappears!This charmin
Lizzy and the Cloud is the whimsical and sweet tale of a young girl who cares for her pet cloud as it grows. From the creators of the critically acclaimed The Night Gardener and Ocean Meets Sky comes this delicately illustrated picture book all about letting things go when we need to. It’s a little out of fashion to buy a pet cloud, but Lizzy doesn’t mind.She’s not looking for a big one or a fancy one, just one that’s right for her. And she finds it in Milo. She loves her new pet and includes him in all her fun activities.Soon, she’s taking Milo out on walks with her family, watering Milo right on schedule and seeing Milo grow and grow. But what happens when Milo gets too big for Lizzy to handle? What about when he storms across the skies and Lizzy can do nothing about it? Or when he’s uncomfortable in Lizzy’s small bedroom? This is the story all about the power of letting go of what we love when the time is right. It teaches kids the value of making important decisions even when they
In a world built for Perfect Pets, Barnabus is a Failed Project, half mouse, half elephant, kept out of sight until his dreams of freedom lead him and his misfit friends on a perilous adventure. A stu
A mysterious cook whips up midnight meals for fellow night owls in a lavish lunch cart while a hungry mouse looks on in this atmospheric picture book inspired by the forerunner of food trucks and diners. A delectable picture book inspired by forerunners of food truck, for fans of The Night Gardener. Noses sniff the air as mouthwatering smells waft down city streets, luring growling bellies to the Night Owl. Inside this elegant, horse-drawn establishment, a feathery cook works the grill, serving up tasty dishes for shift-workers and operagoers alike: a mince pie for Fox, a ham sandwich for Badger and puddings for little Possums. Mouse, a poor street sweeper, watches as the line of customers swells, ever hopeful that someone will drop a morsel of food -- but Owl's cooking is far too delicious for more than a crumb to be found. As the evening's service winds down, weary Owl spots trembling Mouse. Has he found his own night lunch, or will he invite this small sweeper inside for a midnight
At the end of June 2013, Professor Anton MJ COORAY retired from his position at the City University of Hong Kong School of Law after almost twenty-five years of loyal and productive service. During th
If one son is lucky, then ten must be great luck indeed! But where does that leave an only daughter? Based on a true family story, this inspiring picture book about a different perspective tells the t
★響應聯合國SDGs「水下生命」永續發展目標,一起關懷海洋生物!★從鯨魚的視角,思考海洋公路上的永續議題。★從孩子的日常生活出發,親切傳遞海洋保育與生命教育的觀念。被陽光曬得亮晃晃的馬賽克浴缸𥚃,洋洋遇見了慢慢鯨。他們開心悠游在奇幻的海底世界,卻意外揭開海洋公路對水下生命可能造成「鯨擊」的威脅⋯⋯有什麼方法可以保護這些水下生命呢? 洋洋從慢慢鯨告訴他以前發生的故事,好像知道可以怎麼做!守護海洋,真情推薦祁偉廉|中華鯨豚協會理事長李馨雅|亞熱帶生態藝術協會理事張正杰|臺灣海洋教育中心主任陳家盈|翻轉讀書繪文學工作坊負責人鄭貞茂|陽明海運公司董事長邱增玉|財團法人陽明海運文化基金會董事長高傳凱|臺灣港務公司基隆港務分公司總經理馬仲豪|基隆市環境保護局局長劉美蘭|基隆市政府教育處處長鯨豚夥伴,熱情回響聯合國的17項永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)中,SDG14「水下生命」相對於其他目標,是大部分民眾與企業較無法參與的,在四面環海臺灣這樣的現象更加明顯。《洋洋和慢慢鯨》訴說「慢慢開船」――陽明海運的船舶減速計畫,減少了鯨魚與船舶撞擊的風險,同時降低溫室氣體排放,實踐了SDG14、也呼應SDG13氣候行動,非常推薦給臺灣的每位海洋之子。――李馨雅(亞熱帶生態藝術協會理事)細細品味粘忘凡撰文、張曉帆繪圖的《洋洋和慢慢鯨》,書裡充滿想像的繪圖與童稚的對話,柔性地喚起讀者對聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs)中保育海洋與海洋資源永續的重視,值得我們深思。金城武的廣告詞說「世界太快,心則慢」,在這個事事求快的時代,特別需要放慢速度感受、體驗生活與生命的脈動。以孩子純稚的眼光來看世界的慢,這本書值得大家用心來感受!――劉美蘭(基隆市政府教育處處長)為市民打造乾淨的家園及資源永續利用的生活環境,是環保局重要的使命。由於基隆是海港城市,海洋與日常生活密切相關,海洋環境教育成為本局重要工作,近年也與陽明海運文化基金會持續推動海洋環境主題繪本出版。《洋洋和慢慢鯨》繪本故事提醒我們,除了船要慢慢、飛機也要慢慢、汽車也要慢慢,更重要是――每個人的心也要慢下來。快思「慢」想是我們面對環境永續,社會大眾要共同思考修煉的課題。――馬仲豪(基隆市環境保護局局長)海洋是我們的家,《洋洋和慢慢鯨》這本繪本藉由洋洋與慢慢鯨的對話,激發出人類對海洋生物的關懷與保護
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