These lectures and autobiographies reflect the diversity of these Laureates' backgrounds, personalities and accomplishments as well as their universal dedication to the art and craft of physics. Each
The Oskar Klein Memorial Lecture series has become a very successful tradition in Swedish physics since it started in 1988. Theoretical high-energy physics dominates the subjects of the lectures, mirr
The Oskar Klein Memorial Lecture series has become a very successful tradition in Swedish physics since it started in 1988. Theoretical high-energy physics dominates the subjects of the lectures, mirr
The Oskar Klein Memorial Lecture series has become a very successful tradition in Swedish physics since it started in 1988. Theoretical high-energy physics dominates the subjects of the lectures, mirr
The Oskar Klein Memorial Lecture series has become a very successful tradition in Swedish physics since it started in 1988. Theoretical high-energy physics dominates the subjects of the lectures, mirr
Contains lectures by Nobel prize winners Chen Ning Yang and Steven Weinburg on theoretical physics, delivered in 1988 and 1989 at the U. of Stockholm. Also includes scientific papers by theoretical ph