If you've ever tried to make a deal, reach an agreement, close a sale, or negotiate in everyday business, Smart Negotiating shows you how to avoid the pitfalls and achieve your goals. James C. Freund
本書特色1. 成功大學教授、《海鷗詩刊》發行人馬忠良回憶一生,翔實記錄如何從一名山東流亡學生淪為二等兵,再由二等兵發憤成為大學教授的經歷。2. 英文版由作者費時八年自行翻譯完成,不僅是作者個人的生平經歷,更是1949年國府遷台歷史活生生的見證!序▎PrefaceThis memoir consists of three parts. In the first part, I describe how I, as a teenager, ran away from home in 1948, how I escaped from a Communists’ detention center located in the central eastern Shandong Province, how I survived by being a peddler selling shoes in Qingdao, how I was sort of student again, in an abandoned silk factory at a township, Changanzhen, and how I ran through the hilly lands to get to Fuzhou, and how I joined the army on the Penghu Islands. During the period of six years from 1948 to 1954, at one time, I was in danger of being killed falling off the rather steep cliff of a hill when retreating to the south in the Chinese Mainland, at the other, I almost died of typhus, the terrible disease spread on the Penghu Archipelago. As I ranked non-commissioned officer in the army, I once imagined that if I could be discharged from the army
In 1955 the Fortune magazine list of America's largest corporations included just 18 with headquarters in the Southeast. By 2002 the number had grown to 123. In fact, the South attracted over half of
Whether it's a faulty memory, a tendency to multitask, or difficulty managing our time, every one of us has limitations conspiring to keep us from being organized. But, as organizational guru and form