James Holland/ Julian Webb
Mediumship Lodge James Holland
Cullen Joe Holland/ James P. Pate (EDT)
Daniel S. Holland/ James N. Sanchirco/ Robert J. Johnston/ Deepak Joglekar
Daniel S. Holland/ James N. Sanchirico/ Robert J. Johnston/ Deepak Joglekar
Fikret Isik/ Christian Maltecca/ James Holland
Geoffrey Holland/ James Provenzano
Guy Gibson/ James Holland (INT)/ Robert Owen (CON)
Hartley, Andrew James (University of North Carolina at Charlotte USA),Holland, Peter
Hartley, Andrew James (University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Charlotte, USA),Holland, Peter (University of Notre Dame, USA)
James (Emeritus Professor of Employment Law Holland University of the West of England Bristol),Stuart (Formerly Director of Operations Burnett EEF Western),Philip (Solicitor (non-practising) Millingto
James (Professor Emeritus Holland Professor Emeritus Bristol Law School University of the West of England),Julian (Professor of Law Webb Professor of Law Melbourne Law School)
James (Shareholder Consultant Castagnera K&C HR Enterprises/Holland Media Services),Patrick Cihon (Syracuse University)
James Adair/ Kathryn E. Holland Braund (EDT)
James Blackburn/ Jeremy Holland
James H. Nottage (EDT)/ Jennifer Complo McNutt (EDT)/ Ashley Holland (EDT)