第12版《Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance》是專為「運動生理學」、「臨床運動生理學」、「人體表現」、「運動學/運動科學」、「物理治療」和「體育」感興趣的學生而規劃。本書經過重大修訂,內容分為:(1)運動生理學;(2)健康與體適能生理學;(3)運動表現生理學。中譯本(第三版)定名為《運動生理學:體適能與運動表現的理論與應用》,特色如下:• 納入最新運動生理學的研究。• 所有章節均增加新的推薦讀物與參考文獻。• 增加三個聚焦在「運動是良藥」(Exercise is Medicine, EIM)的新章節。• 為了改進本書的其餘章節,每一章都包含新的及延伸的討論、新的文字方框,以及增加100多張新的圖示。• 回顧研究及大量使用臨床應用,清楚呈現運動生理學的最新發展。• 本書是綜合性教材,適用於一學期、二學期、高年級大學生或研究所的運動生理學課程,教師可以自由選擇最重要的課程內容進行教學。
原著序(Preface)在我就讀醫學系第三年的春天以前,我從未聽過急診醫學這個專科;我連「急診室」(ernergency room, ER)在我們這個醫學中心的哪個地方都不知道,也不曉得原來我們有個急診醫學(emergency medicine, EM)/內科醫學(internal medicine, IM)合併的住院醫師訓練計畫。顯然他們對於這個計畫沒有在醫學生之間多做宣傳。直到有一天,在我醫學系的最後一年前不久,有個EM/IM的住院醫師鼓勵並說服我在接下來的行程中擠出一點時間選修急診醫學。接著的幾個月內我開始了急診住院醫師訓練,並對這門專科深深地著迷。1979年9月21號,在我輪到急診的三個禮拜後,急診醫學正式成為美國公認的第二十三個專科。也是啦!我已經那麼老了和我的專科一樣老。我在準備急診專科考試時是用The Study Guide這本書。它寫得很好、方便閱讀且相較於這本《急診醫學隨身手冊》第八版—衍生自Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide—簡短多了。能與Tintinalli醫師合作,並對於以她為名的教科書及手冊貢獻一份心力,實在是我莫大的榮幸。 相較於Tintinalli第一版的Study Guide只由單一作者完成,這本手冊集結了來自全球的作者共同創作,包括來自數個急診醫學正在興起的非洲國家。第八版包含「緩和醫療」的章節,目前是急診醫學中的一個次專科,但在1979年間應該完全沒有人想到這個次專科有朝一日會被納入急診當中。我們正陸續將本書以多種語言於世界各地出版,希望本書及其電子書(可於accessemergencymedicine.mhmedical.com取得)可繼續滿足醫學生、住院醫師、專業醫療從業人員以及急診醫師每天的需求。共同作者Michael T. Fitch、Scott Joing、Vincent Wang、David M. Cline、O. John Ma以及本人冀望致謝所有的作者,他們除了要維持忙碌的臨床業務外,仍致力於完成並更新每個章節的內容,他們卓越的工作讓我們由衷的感謝。我們同樣感謝McGraw Hill Education團隊提供的指導,包括Brian Belval、Christie Naglieri、Jessica Gonzalez
This comprehensive and authoritative statement of fundamental principles of sociological analysis integrates approaches that are often seen as mutually exclusive. John Scott argues that theorising in sociology and other social sciences is characterised by the application of eight key principles of sociological analysis: culture, nature, system, structure, action, space-time, mind and development. He considers the principal contributions to the study of each of these dimensions in their historical sequence in order to bring out the cumulative character of knowledge. Showing that the various principles can be combined in a single disciplinary framework, Scott argues that sociologists can work most productively within an intellectual division of labour that transcends artificial theoretical and disciplinary differences. Sociology provides the central ideas for conceptualising the social, but it must co-exist productively with other social science disciplines and disciplinary areas.
This comprehensive and authoritative statement of fundamental principles of sociological analysis integrates approaches that are often seen as mutually exclusive. John Scott argues that theorising in sociology and other social sciences is characterised by the application of eight key principles of sociological analysis: culture, nature, system, structure, action, space-time, mind and development. He considers the principal contributions to the study of each of these dimensions in their historical sequence in order to bring out the cumulative character of knowledge. Showing that the various principles can be combined in a single disciplinary framework, Scott argues that sociologists can work most productively within an intellectual division of labour that transcends artificial theoretical and disciplinary differences. Sociology provides the central ideas for conceptualising the social, but it must co-exist productively with other social science disciplines and disciplinary areas.
Fifty Key Sociologists: The Contemporary Theorists covers the life, work, ideas and impact of some of the most important thinkers within this discipline. This volume concentrates on those figures whos