The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents:Confucius, the great Chinese philosopherSocrates, the great Greek philosopherAristotle, the first to organize scientific knowledgeWillia
⚫知名的「麗仕」(Lux)香皂是怎麼來的?⚫又是誰發明方便好吃的番茄醬?⚫誰讓麥當勞成為全球最大連鎖速食餐廳?⚫第一個發現遺傳學的是哪個科學家?⚫誰推動英國女性擁有投票和參政權,進而遍地開花影響全球女性地位大幅提升?⚫「蒙特梭利」教學是怎麼來的?Collins English Readers: Amazing People是一系列短篇傳記讀本,按行業或領域劃分,帶您一起探索各個領域的傑出人物,他們
The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents:Alessandro Volta, inventor of the batteryMichael Faraday, inventor of the electric motorMarie Curie, famous for her work on radioactivit
The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents:Voltaire, the French writer who believed in equality for allCharlotte Bronte, the British novelist who wrote Jane EyreMark Twain, the Am
The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents:Gaius Julius Caesar, the powerful Roman leaderQueen Elizabeth I who ruled England for 45 yearsGeorge Washington, the first president of
The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents:Henry J Heinz, the man who invented tomato ketchupWilliam Lever who made millions from soapMichael Marks, founder of the Marks and Spenc