Professor Frederick W. Mote (1922–2006) has been widely recognized as a key figure in the field of Sinology. He taught at Princeton University for thirty-one years and was a founder of both Princeton’
…. to imagine a language means to imagine a form of life.––Ludwig Wittgenstein(Philosophical Investigation, 1953)Whatever specific goal motivated people who study Chinese at first eventually
Following the Pack: The World of Wolf Research sheds light on wolf studies—both past and present—and on the lives of researchers who have devoted themselves to this endeavor.Ground-breaking wolf resea
你能夠隨時用英語與人Small Talk,閒聊一番嗎?一般人在正式的商業英語溝通上儘管遊刃有餘,但要是一轉到閒話家常,卻常常手足無措。本書即針對此問題,將找話題到接話題的秘訣,連同口語上的用法,教你打開話匣子,輕鬆講英文!附有兩片光碟片讓你聽的清楚學的輕鬆!* * L. J. Link * *1933年出生於紐約南布朗克斯,密西根大學畢業後接受傅布萊特(Fullbright)獎學金之邀到日本擔