Kelly Long/ Jennifer Beckstrand/ Lisa Jones Baker
Nosy Crow (COR)/ Lisa Jones (ILT)/ Edward Underwood (ILT)
Kellie Jones/ Imamu Amiri Baraka (CON)/ Hettie Jones (CON)/ Lisa Jones (CON)/ Guthrie P. Ramsey Jr. (CON)
Lisa Feldman Barrett (EDT)/ Michael Lewis (EDT)/ Jeannette M. Haviland-Jones (EDT)
Lisa Jones; Edward Underwood
Lisa Moser/ Noah Z. Jones (ILT)
Lisa Speidel (EDT)/ Micah Jones (EDT)
Shannon Jones/ Lisa Pliscou (EDT)/ Casey Uhelski (ILT)
;Honey-Jones, Justin,Peate, Ian (University of Hertfordshire, UK),Evans, Suzanne (University of Newcastle, Australia),Clegg, Lisa,Matheson, Rose
Agustin (University of Notre Dame Fuentes Indiana);Gumert, Michael D. (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore),Jones-Engel, Lisa (University of Washington)
Caitlin Lee/ Bart E. Bennett/ Lisa M. Harrington/ Darrell D. Jones
Carlo Raffo (EDT)/ Alan Dyson (EDT)/ Helen Gunter (EDT)/ Dave Hall (EDT)/ Lisa Jones (EDT)
Courtney Reeder Jones/ Lisa Rapporort (EDT)/ Lisa B. Rappoport