An intimate and original memoir of love, grief and male friendship by one of Scotland’s brightest young talents.Ever feel like you were fated to be friends with someone? An alchemy in your meeting, instant fondness – part chemical, part kismet. This is how I’ve felt about every friend I’ve fallen in love with – none so much as you.In 2018, Michael Pedersen lost a most cherished friend soon after their collective voyage into the landscape and luminosity of the Scottish Highlands. Sitting at a desk at The Curfew Tower, Northern Ireland, Michael begins to write to his departed friend – Scott Hutchison. What starts as a love letter to one magical, coruscating human soon becomes a paean to many friendships – perhaps all friendship.In Boy Friends, Pedersen confronts the bewildering process of grief. As memories rise to the surface – both heart-wrenching and hilarious – he recalls his younger self: the overly sensitive boy growing up in working-class Edinburgh; his befuddling stint in an
An enchanting take on the legend of King Arthur from Britain’s best-loved children’s author, Michael Morpurgo. Marooned on a sandbank, a boy faces certain death. With the sea closing in and the curren
Before seeing Jurassic World this June, read the sequel to the multimillion copy No. 1 bestselling thriller that inspired the first major motion picture Jurassic Park. It is now six years since the se
Before seeing Jurassic World film this June read the original, multimillion copy No. 1 bestselling thriller that inspired the first major motion picture Jurassic Park. On a remote jungle island, genet
From the creator of Paddington Bear comes a tale of dastardly villains and unlikely tiny heroes...The Perk family live in a doll's house in a castle. The castle is their home - but when someone new wi
Michael Woodford was a company man. He'd risen through the ranks of giant Japanese firm Olympus to become CEO. But just weeks into the job in Tokyo he came across allegations of enormous fraud. Y
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