B.S. (University of Ottawa Dhillon Canada.)
;Engel, William E. (University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee),Loughnane, Rory (University of Kent, Canterbury),Williams, Grant (Carleton University, Ottawa)
;Rich, Kyle A. (Brock University, Canada),Giles, Audrey R. (University of Ottawa, Canada),Smith, Robyn (Brunel University London, UK)
Catholic Truth Society of Ottawa
Christine C.M. (Nanyang Technological University Goh Singapore (NTU Singapore),Larry (University of Ottawa Vandergrift Cananda)
Errol P. (University of Ottawa Mendes Canada)
Flood, Colleen M. (University of Ottawa),MacDonnell, Vanessa (University of Ottawa),Philpott, The Honourable Jane, MD, CCFP, MPH, PC (Queen's University),Theriault, Sophie (University of Ottawa),Venk
Ian R. A. MacKay (University of Ottawa)
James Devenney,Howard (University of Ottawa Johnson ON Canada; Alliant International University San Diego CA),Paul Wragg (University of Leeds)
Jeff W. (Psychic Parrot Games Murray Ottawa Ontario Canada)
Jeffrey (University of Ottawa Reid Canada)
John (Carleton University Osborne Ottawa)
Kelley (University of Ottawa Johnson ON Canada; Alliant International University San Diego CA),Jan Walmsley
Leroux, Robert (University of Ottawa, Canada),Martin, Thierry (Institut d'histoire et de philosophie des scienceset des techniques, France),Turner, Stephen
Marie-Eve Desrosiers (University of Ottawa)
Merlyna (Carleton University Lim Ottawa)
Michael W. (Carleton University Manulak Ottawa)
Milena M. (University of Ottawa Parent Canada and the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences),Aurelia Ruetsch
Patti Tamara (Professor of Applied Ethics Lenard Professor of Applied Ethics Graduate School of Public and International Affairs University of Ottawa),Peter (Senior Lecturer in International & Politic
Pavna K. (Private Practice Sodhi Ottawa Canada)