Posuka Demizu is a rising star among manga artists whose new title, The Promised Neverland, created with co-author Kaiu Shirai, is currently running in the manga magazine Weekly Shonen Jump in Japan.
The children of the Grace Field House orphanage must escape a macabre fate before it's too late. Life at Grace Field House is good for Emma and her fellow orphans. While the daily studying and exams
The children of the Grace Field House orphanage have their happy lives upended when they find out they’re being raised to be fed to demons. Can they escape their fate before it’s too late?
The children of the Grace Field House orphanage have their happy lives upended when they find out they’re being raised to be fed to demons. Can they escape their fate before it’s too late?
The children of the Grace Field House orphanage must escape a macabre fate before it’s too late.Life at Grace Field House is good for Emma and her fellow orphans. While the daily studying and ex
The children of the Grace Field House orphanage must escape a macabre fate before it’s too late.Life at Grace Field House is good for Emma and her fellow orphans. While the daily studying and ex
The children of the Grace Field House orphanage must escape a macabre fate before it’s too late.Life at Grace Field House is good for Emma and her fellow orphans. While the daily studying and ex
The children of the Grace Field House orphanage have their happy lives upended when they find out they’re being raised to be fed to demons. Can they escape their fate before it’s too late?
The children of the Grace Field House orphanage must escape a macabre fate before it’s too late.Life at Grace Field House is good for Emma and her fellow orphans. While the daily studying and ex