獨立年輕,愛吃棋格蛋糕又是辯論社主席,一看就是天選之人。Mo不懂大英帝國吸血鬼女王的頭銜和職責是如何降臨到她肩上的,她不過就是在陰雨天騎腳踏車回家而已。不過能免掉體育課,還有帥哥相伴,這似乎也不算太糟…對嗎?Meet Mo Merrydrew - independent young woman, Mini Battenberg fan, president of the debating society - and reluctant vampire queen ... Fifteen-year-old Mo Merrydrew isn't exactly expecting to be asked to be Vampire Queen of Great Britain when she's cycling home from school one wet Tuesday evening. Apparently, she is 'the Chosen One'.Aside from being uncomfortable with the idea of unelected power (not very democratic), there's the blood drinking to consider (Mo is a vegetarian), and frankly it's just not really the sort of role Mo's looking for (she wants to aim for a real job in politics). But - if you're Vampire Queen, you probably don't have to do PE any more, and when the dreamy Luca, a vampire familiar, turns up, it all suddenly starts to look a bit more appealing ... Geek Girl meets Buffy in a brilliantly funny new teen series from bestselling author Jo Simmons
“Simmons writes like a hot-rodding angel.” –Stephen King An evil legacy comes to life in this classic and ultimately human novel about believable vampires, featuring a brand-new introduction by Dan S
Perfect for fans of Pamela Butchart and David Baddiel’s Birthday Boy – a hilarious tale of wish fulfilment gone wrong that every child will relate toTom can’t wait for his LUCKY BIRTHDAY. It’s an EPIC
`I can get a new brother? On the internet?' Jonny muttered. `Oh sweet mangoes of heaven!' Everyone has dreamed of being able to get rid of their brother or sister at one time or another - but for Jonn