李喬(1934-),極具代表性的當代臺灣作家。本輯選譯其短篇小說八篇,包括:早期蕃仔林的故事〈哭聲〉;反映現代社會生活的壓抑、恐懼、和痛苦的〈昨日水蛭〉、〈恐男症〉、〈蜘蛛〉、〈人球〉;關切政治議題的〈告密者〉和〈孽龍〉;以及主題帶有佛教思想的〈某種花卉〉。 Taiwan Literature: English Translation Series introduces to English re
本輯選譯臺灣新文學作家楊逵八篇小說,包括:綠島時期的著名作品〈春光關不住〉(後改題為〈壓不扁的玫瑰花〉);奠定作者小說家地位的〈新聞配達夫〉;其他篇章為〈模範村〉、〈無醫村〉、〈增產の蔭に-吞氣のな爺さんの話〉、〈泥人形〉、〈水牛〉與〈鵞鳥の嫁入〉。閱讀楊逵如何透過文學,真實且批判性地反映時代與社會。 Yang K'uei (1906-1985), the first Taiwanese writ
Apart from “new poetry” composed in the vernacular language, the tradition of classical poetry originating in China has also been maintained in Taiwan. We cannot ignore the fact that those poets who c
The reason for exploring Taiwanese literature from an island perspective can be found in the large number of Taiwan’s surrounding islands. In the planning of this volume, we have chosen to introduce the works of thirteen writers. When necessary, we will mention other works depending on the situation. However, due to limited space, the size of the text samples is restricted, so naturally it is impossible to cover everything. Generally speaking then, the purpose of this volume is to regard the texts of Taiwanese literature as reflections of local island perspectives in the hope of demonstrating the significance of Taiwan’s experience to island researchers around the world.從「島嶼」視角探討台灣文學,本質上係來自於台灣及其周遭島嶼數量可觀。面對為數可觀的島嶼,究竟要如何進行觀察?取徑現有島嶼或群島研究,如曹永和「台灣島史」及格里桑、郝歐法「群島」觀點探討的島嶼和島嶼之間的連結脈絡。大抵,本次專輯策畫,主要是介紹13位作家作品,偶況言及其他作品旨趣是將台灣文學的文本書寫,視為本地島嶼視線的折射,期盼能從中向世界的島嶼研究者展示台灣經驗的意義。
For this special issue on “New Generation Women's Fiction from Taiwan,” we have specially invited Professor Lee Kuei Yun of the Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature at Taiwan's Tsing Hua University to be guest editor and take responsibility for the selections. Because of space limitations it has been possible only to select twelve short stories by eleven woman writers. These writers were all born in the 1970s or later and their works were published in the year 2000 or later. Thus, they represent a period of social change in twenty-first century Taiwan and the spirit of the new generation. The introduction that we asked Professor Lee to provide is entitled “Trauma, esire, Contemporary Women's Voices.” Aside from giving a brief account of the eleven writers and their works, Professor Lee sketches “a number of writerly qualities that become perceptible… [that] represent the internal trauma, female consciousness, physical lust, cat-uman metaphors, and everyday life, etc.” In her introdu
During the early stages of its development, Taiwan’s New Literature was intimately connected with realism.The year 2022 is the one-hundredth anniversary of fiction writing in Taiwan, and also the one-hundredth anniversary of modernist literature in the English-speaking world. For the former, this is the one-hundredth anniversary of the publication of Chui Feng’s “Where Will She Go?” For the latter, it is the one-hundredth anniversary of the publication of James Joyce’s (1882–1941) novel Ulysses, and Anglo-American writer T. S. Eliot’s (1888–1965) poem The Waste Land. When the Alphabet Lab was first established, it also paid tribute to the contribution of modernism in the development of post-war Taiwan literature. In this special fiftieth issue on “Taiwan Fiction and ‘Realism,’” we once again identify and trace out the pathways and objectives of Taiwan’s writer apostles over the past one-hundred years.台灣新文學的發展,以追風的〈她要往何處去〉為濫觴,發表於1922年,至今剛好一百年。台灣新文學發軔時,歐美現代主義發展已達到高峰,台灣必然受到影響,可見現代主義與現實主義,
This issue contains the verse of twenty-four poets.From 1924, when Hsieh Chun-mu first published four “Poems in Imitation,” the development of new poetry in Taiwan has a history of almost one hundred
白先勇,可以說是當代華文作家中,不論是在台灣、在中國、在東南亞、在其他各地的華人世界中,最負盛名、最受肯定的作家。他的文學活動、創作成就和作家地位,與台灣文學的關係,是一個值得探討的現象,也是本叢刊這一專輯譯介他的作品的主要原因和探討的主題。這一專輯,由白先勇提供尚未翻譯成英文的小說,共五篇。其中收錄在《紐約客》中的有四篇:〈謫仙怨〉、〈骨灰〉、〈Danny Boy〉、〈Tea for Two〉。
本輯以鄭清文的小說與兒童文學為主題,承鄭清文女兒谷苑的協助,推薦具有代表性的小說暨兒童文學作品多篇,並請她寫一篇關於父親作品的文章〈A Storyteller—In Memory of Tzeng Ching-wen〉。散文方面,Taipei, City of Displacements(《錯置,臺北城》)的作者周文龍教授(Joseph R. Allen),對臺北的地理變遷和文化空間的歷史演變具有