The simple five-part formula the upstart Facebook CEO used to change the world'and how any business leader can apply it to his or her own companyFacebook changed the way hundreds of millions communica
Walter Benjamin - philosopher, essayist, literary and cultural theorist - was one of the most original writers and thinkers of the twentieth century. This new selection brings together Benjamin's majo
What do you do when the greatest TV show ever has come to an end and you no longer have ground-breaking, meth-related drama to get you through the long winter nights? Answer: you create a cookbook ful
The acclaimed, award-winning author of the national bestseller The Financial Lives of the Poets returns with his funniest, most romantic, and most purely enjoyable novel yet. Hailed by critics and lov
* "Fascinating and unforgettable." --Kirkus Reviews, starred review* "A rich, thought-provoking, and deeply satisfying book." --Publishers Weekly, starred reviewNamed to Bustle's "12 YA Novels That Wi