The ability to identify and define roots, prefixes, and suffixes is essential to decoding unfamiliar words. This book provides students with opportunities to examine words and understand their meaning
In The Chinese Idea of a University: Phoenix Reborn, Rui Yang conceptualizes the cultural foundations of modern university development in Chinese societies. Instead of focusing on the uniqueness of the societies, this book aims to prove that one educational purpose could be fulfilled via many paths, and that most of the characteristics the university could be found in other institutions of higher learning. Citing the practices of four selected Chinese societies, Yang opposes the existence of an impassable chasm between Chinese and Western ideas of a university and argues that it is possible to combine Chinese and Western ideas of a university. Also, this book is one of the first in English to theorize the Chinese idea of a university. It links the historical events to the present, in a context of an enormous impact of Western academic models and institutions, from the beginning of modern universities in Chinese societies to the contemporary period.
Joey has a dog. And a ball. And a great throwing arm. Jet has Joey. And a job to do. And do. And do. And do. They make a fine pair. If you were Joey's ball -- the one with the blue stripe --
With this book, Yang Yuanzheng has produced what will long be regarded as a ground-breaking milestone in the voluminous scholarship on Jiang Kui (1155–1221). Based in part on his 2011 discovery of a m
Grounded in a desire to bring back to life rare items from the University of Hong Kong’s Fung Ping Shan Library that are entwined within the world of music and to place them in a context of books and images in American, British, and other Asian collections, Chinese Music in Print views the library as a repository not of information but of artifact, and then uses these artifacts as a means for generating scholarly narrative. It begins by assessing seminal texts in the Confucian canon set against the delicacy of the concubine and amanuensis Shen Cai’s calligraphy and poetry. Confucianism was itself a crucial aspect of courtly life, and an exploration of its ritual is the book’s second theme. Vernacular genres of opera and song are represented in the third chapter, while the Great Sage returns in the fourth for an exploration of the repertoire and richness of his favourite instrument, the qin. The final chapter ends the journey with discussion of the legacy of generations of Europeans who
這是專為想開始「把英文寫作打好基礎」的你 而設計!帶你一步一步的建構書寫能力,用「記錄生活練語感」的方式,從模仿開始,書寫一兩句,到兩三句,自然又快速地寫出流暢簡練短文,奠定英文寫作素養。你是不是常對英文寫作無所適從?每當要把想法轉換成文字時,常盯著電腦螢幕或紙張發呆,久久無法下筆?漸漸地,從煩惱、卡關變成害怕、抗拒,寫作真的好難啊~~~★建構式英文寫作:生活主題→情境單字/佳句→句型公式→短文賞析→寫作練習模版,讓你Step by Step逐步充實寫作細胞,壯大寫作能力,並藉由記錄日常點滴、心情感受來培養語感,輕而易舉的流利書寫,建立並強化英文寫作基礎。救救英文寫作,就從記錄開始!精選生活主題、心情,讓書寫融入日常裡多元化的主題,你可以根據每天不同的事件或當下的感受與體會,找到相似的主題來跟著模仿學習記錄。從與自身最相關的切入,學習也較容易。相關主題單字/佳句,快速擴充字彙量擔心單字量不夠多或形容句子不夠豐富?Don’t worry,每一主題皆有必備單字及常用短句及替換句供學習使用,隨時都能寫出言簡易賅、最貼切心情的形容句子;越寫越會寫,基礎也更扎實。利用句型公式,寫出屬於自己的絕佳金句若想寫出更貼近自身心情的句子,可直接套用基本句型公式,即能快速又正確地寫出屬於自己想表達的精準句式,亦能自然地學會句型、文法,一舉兩得,進步看得見。短文賞析,帶你用閱讀活絡創作思維閱讀是input!藉由大量的閱讀,除幫助開創更多寫作思維之外,更能無形中提高書寫能力。全書49則生活化主題式的短文閱讀,除能幫助理解如何將所學融入記錄裡,亦能對文章結構、情節鋪陳有基本的認知,進而能發展出屬於自己的寫作支架,強化寫作技巧。寫作模版從模仿開始練習,用書寫輸出所學學習不光只是用大腦記,透過書寫一兩句關鍵句的方式來融會貫通、吸收成為自己的一部分,方能逐步壯大寫作基礎。不論是用筆手寫或是敲鍵盤,你會驚奇的發現,從閱讀短文裡學到的文章架構、選詞用字,都會透過實際的手指記錄,讓書寫變習慣,自然地流洩在寫作文章中;同時,更能掌握對句型的正確使用。