About 460,000 years ago, Beijing was merely a primitive settlement. Later it grew into a political center of Yan and Ji, two kingdoms in north China, then the Capital of six feudaldynasties. Today, th
The book is Illustrated with beautiful photographs to show the style of dimension of these imperial tombs as well as some of the highly valuable artifacts unearthed there.
La richesse du patrimoine culturel dune ville est generalement liee a sa Iongue histoire. Or depuis la haute antiquite, il y a 4e0 000 ans de cela, le developpement de la region de Beijing a ete conti
Como capital de seis dinastias chinas,Beijing dispone de una historia de mas de tres mil aSos,desde la construcci6n de las ciudades antiguas Yan Y Ji,algo raramente visto en el mundo。Las incontables r
The covver design is from a zhou embroidery screen ofthe Qing Dynastyused speiecl for birthday celiations.The screen contains a ni per of traditional hinese tlauspicious symbois: The covese woNs for t
Les grandes salles, temoins de Ihistoire Les grandes ceremonies Les offrandes faites par Iempereur La vie de Iempereur comme un homme ordinaire La salle detude de Iempereur Les absurdit