Many of us, especially since 9/11, have become personally concerned about issues of security, and this is no surprise. Security is near the top of government and corporate agendas around the globe. Se
The Moon is not just a "local" destination, argues former NASA Astronaut Harrison Schmitt. As a destination, the Moon presents us with a goal that tests our resourcefulness and determination. How muc
This complete, authoritative study of the growing discipline of Archaeoastronomy examines the role of astronomy in antiquity. Professor Giulio Magli provides a clear, up-to-date survey of current thi
The aim of this popular science text is to explain aerodynamic and astrodynamic flight without the use of mathematics, in an informal style, for non-technical readers who are interested in spacefligh
The purpose of the book is a dual one: to detail the nature and results of Tunguska investigations in the former USSR and present-day CIS, and to destroy two long-standing myths still held in the West
Why Popcorn Costs So Much at the Movies, And Other Pricing Puzzles unravels the pricing mysteries we encounter every day. Have you ever wondered why all movies, whether blockbusters or duds, have the
The Night Sky Companion 2009 takes a look at astronomy every day over the course of the year offering general history, soft science, trivia, observing guidance and motivation. This book i
Recent discoveries of planet-like objects circling other sun-like stars have stirred enormous interest in what other planets may exist in the universe, and whether they support intelligent life, or a
Suppose someone claimed that we are not running out of petroleum? Or that life on Earth began below the surface of our planet? Or that oil and gas are not "fossil fuels"? Or that if we find extraterr
Prions are an entirely new class of pathogens, and scientists are just beginning to understand them. This book tells the strange story of their discovery, and the medical controversies that swirl aro
This book is an revision and expansion of the best selling AIP Press title, Physics of Golf. It includes a new chapter on putting, a new appendix on the fundamental physics covered in the book, incre
Using no more than the most basic algebra and geometry, Flannery (Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland) manages to convey not only why irrational numbers are fascinating, but how the whole enterpris
The questions of our origin and cosmic abundance of life are among the most compelling facing humanity. We have determined much about the nature and origin of the Universe and our place in it, but wi
The Rebirth of the Russian Space Programlooks at the Russian space programme in 2007, 50 years after Sputnik. Brian Harvey covers all the key elements of the current Russian space program
While there are guides to the visible sky, this is the first book to encompass the most important stars known in the universe at a level accessible to the layperson. The noted astronomer James Kaler
We are at the dawning of a new era in the study of space, thanks in no small part to the Galileo space probe. Mission Jupiter brings us the exciting story of the Galileo mission to investigate Jupit
The final out of the World Series marks the beginning of baseball's second season, when teams court free agents and orchestrate trades with the hope of building a championship contender. The real and
What does game theory tell us about rational behavior? Is there such a thing as rational behavior, and if so, is it of any use to us? In this fascinating book, renowned Hungarian economist Laszlo Mero
It has become popular to blame the American obesity epidemic and many other health-related problems on processed food. Many of these criticisms are valid for some processed-food items, but many statem