艾瑪是一個美麗聰穎的富家女孩,她喜歡幫好友及村子裡的姑娘「遷紅線」,可是結果都是白忙一場--她自己的姻緣又如何呢?Level 4/ 1700 headwords/ Intermediate/ Classic/ British English/ Number of words(excluding activities): 15218
貝琪是個聰明的女孩,但身無分文,孤苦無依,她的好友艾蜜莉拉來自富裕的家庭,與軍官相戀。貝琪一心追求時髦與虛華,她能找到幸福的婚姻嗎?這兩個年輕女強人最後命運如何呢?Level 3/ 1200 headwords/ Pre-Intermediate/ Classic/ British English/ Number of words(excluding activities): 23566
這是來自兩個敵對家庭的年輕人的悲劇愛情故事,由英國國寶、世界最偉大作家之一的莎士比亞所創作。以劇本形式書寫,適合分組演出,並有角色分配表。Level 3/ 1200 headwords/ Pre-Intermediate/ Classic/ British English/ Number of words(excluding activities): 13684
蘭馬翠是個和善、熱心且塊頭高大的非洲女性,她也是波札那唯一的女私家偵探。她創立的頂尖女子偵探社是國內最好的偵探社。在祕書馬庫蔡及好友馬德寇妮的幫忙下,她解決了許多困難。失蹤丈夫、失蹤手指及失蹤的小孩,她將用自己獨特的方法來解開謎團。(當代)precious Ramotswe is a kind, warm-hearted and large African lady. She is also th
戴伍德太太和三個女兒的生活並不富裕,因此節儉度日。老二瑪麗安和老大伊利諾雙雙墜入愛河,但是好事多磨,有一天他們竟發現一些可怕的秘密...Level 3/ 1200 headwords/ Pre-Intermediate/ Classic/ British English/ Number of words(excluding activities): 7924
Covers everything you are likely to need – 15,000 encyclopaedic entries covering people, places, history, geography, the arts and popular culture Get in-depth understanding on topics such as festi
Part of the Longman Library of Primary Sources in Philosophy,” this first volume of Schopenhauer's The World as Will and Presentation is framed by a pedagogical structure designed to make this important work of philosophy more accessible and meaningful for readers. A General Introduction includes the work's historical context, a discussion of historical influences, and biographical information on Arthur Schopenhauer. Annotations and notes from the editor clarify difficult passages for greater understanding, and a bibliography gives the reader additional resources for further study.