What the book is about is friendship on earth, affection and protection, adventure and miracle, life and death, trust and treachery, pleasure and pain, and the passing of time. As a piece of work it
Beloved by generations, Charlotte's Web and Stuart Little are two of the most cherished stories of all time. Now, for the first time ever, these treasured classics are available in lavish new collecto
恐怖小說大師Stephen King史蒂芬‧金、奉為權威典範的英文寫作聖經!經典兒童名著《夏綠蒂的網》作者E. B. White極致推崇!橫跨兩世紀‧全球暢銷超過10,000,000冊從哈佛、耶魯,到普林斯頓,霸佔全美高中、大學課堂的「英語寫作暢銷經典」!※【獨家收錄】25道作者精心規劃練習題※【獨家隨書贈】英文寫作必備‧實戰練習手冊★Amazon「英語寫作技巧榜Writing Skills」NO
書籍簡介艾美獎/葛萊美獎得主配音看似渺小卻偉大勇敢的尋友之旅愛思考的小老鼠 Stuart 人小膽大,除了是家人的好幫手,也活躍在紐約城市和大都會公園各角落,發生不少趣事,也多次化險為夷。七歲時,牠決定啟程尋訪美麗的小鳥朋友 Margalo,而這段旅程順利與否全憑牠那股不循常規的冒險精神也激發出製作電影「美國鼠譚」的靈感,亦是電影「一家之鼠」原著。美國散文名家 E. B. White 以愛護動物,發揮人道關懷為主旨,寫了三本童書,公認為兒童文學經典之作;Stuart Little《小不點司圖爾特》、The Trumpet of the Swan《天鵝的喇叭》以及Charlotte's Web《夏綠蒂的網》。《小不點斯圖爾特 / 名人朗讀情境有聲書》由艾美獎、東尼獎及葛萊美獎得主的美國著名演員Julie Harris錄製。錄音片長:01:54:00有聲試聽請掃描書籍試閱QR code_________________________________________________________________________________________________適用對象 適合國高中以上英文程度者閱讀適合作為英文閱讀課程的讀本教材雙語小學的課外讀物
Fern is a little girl who loved a little pig named Wilbur and of Wilbur's dear friend, Charlotte A Cavatica, a beautiful large grey spider. With the unlikely help of Templeton the rat, and a wonderful
This is the first children?s book by the distinguished author E. B. White. Stuart Little, the hero, is a mouse in the family of Frederick C. Little and is a debonair little character with a shy, engag
One spring morning a little girl called Fern rescues a runt and names him Wilbur. But then Wilbur is sent to live on a farm where he meets Charlotte, a very clever and very beautiful large grey spider
A beautiful hardback edition of Charlotte's Web by E. B. White. This lovely edition is part of the highly collectible Puffin 'cloth' Classics series - all the titles in the range have attractive 'clot
'From grammar to the tenderness in which this story is delivered, E. B. White's writing is so perfect...And Garth William's muted illustrations are entirely without fault. Whether read aloud or solo, this is a book well deserving of its "classic" status.' - The Children's Book ReviewWilbur the pig's life has already been saved by Fern, but when he is sold to her uncle, he realises his life is in even more danger. Enter Charlotte A.Cavatica, a beautiful large grey spider. Charlotte is determined to keep Wilbur from the chopping block, and comes up with an ingenious way to do just that. Puffin Clothbound Classics are stunningly beautiful hardback editions of the most famous stories in the world, now including a beautiful 70th anniversary edition of Charlotte's Web, the poignant, humorous story of a pig, a spider and a little girl.
In his classic and beloved novel, E. B. White tells the memorable story of Wilbur, a little pig who becomes famous with the help of his clever friend Charlotte and their chatty animal neighbors. As th
Beloved by generations, Charlotte's Web and Stuart Little are two of the most cherished stories of all time. Now, for the first time ever, these treasured classics are available in lavish new collecto
Beloved by generations, Charlotte's Web and Stuart Little are two of the most cherished stories of all time. Now, for the first time ever, these treasured classics are available in lavish new collecto
"I don't want to die!Save me, somebody!Save me!"The tale of how a little girl named Fern, with the help of a friendly spider, saved her pig Wilbur from the usual fate of nice fat little pigs.(From Puf
本套書包含下列三冊夏綠蒂的網小不點司圖爾特天鵝的喇叭富有同情心的小女孩 Fern,從爸爸的斧下救了發育不良的小豬仔Wilbur,經過悉心的養育,Wilbur一天天成長茁壯。 Fern和美麗善良又能「寫字」的灰蜘蛛 Charlotte 、機伶又好吃的老鼠 Templeton屢施巧計,加上其他農場動物們鼎力相助,不但使 Wilbur 免於被宰殺,最後還參加了「豬公大賽」呢!美國散文名家 E. B. W