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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:阿道斯.赫胥黎  出版社:新雨  出版日:2021/07/25 裝訂:平裝
赫胥黎用藥經驗的第一手文獻:探索人類心智最超越境界、最危險邊陲誰在呼喚你 你從容回應Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly…「我不需要舒服。我需要上帝,需要詩,需要真正的危險,需要自由……」──赫胥黎《美麗新世界》★ 赫胥黎無可比擬的致幻記,近代首次完整披露用藥體驗的文獻。★ 理解《美麗新世界》中藥物政治的祕境,進入赫胥黎世界不可或缺的敲門磚。★ 神
定價:499 元, 優惠價:9 449
作者:亞莉克絲.E.哈洛  出版社:奇幻基地  出版日:2022/09/29 裝訂:平裝
事物穿過門扉時,無論多麼渺小,無論在另一側停留多麼短暫, 你已然開始改變,一系列變化即將來臨。 滿貫入圍! 雨果獎、星雲獎、世界奇幻獎、英國奇幻獎 最佳長篇小說決選名單 史上最年輕的雨果獎小說類提名女作家! 「在讀它之前,我以為自己知道什麼是門,以為自己知道什麼是故事。現在,一切都將全然改變。」 ──B&N科幻與奇幻部落格網站 ╳╳╳ ★滿貫入圍!2020年雨果獎、星雲獎、世界奇幻獎、英國奇幻獎最佳長篇小說決選名單 ★2020年軌跡獎最佳出道小說NO.3 ★2020年創神奇幻獎成人文學類提名 ★國外首刷75,000冊佳績! ★美國音頻出版商協會奧迪獎(Audie Award)2020年奇幻類得主(《安眠醫生》《霜雪之銀,焰火之金》均曾獲此獎) ★《洛杉磯時報》暢銷作品 ★Amazon、Goodreads共44,000多名讀者五星滿分讚譽 ★Goodreads讀者選擇獎(Goodreads Choice Award)最愛出道作NO.4、最愛奇幻小說NO.9 ★Amazon 2019年9月最佳書籍、編輯精選最佳科幻與奇幻小說 少女老王|作家 林徐達|國立東華大學族群關係與文化學系人類學教授 邱常婷|作家 馬立軒|「中華科幻學會」常務理事、奇幻研究者 ──攜手魔幻推薦 ╳╳╳ 門扉被發現之前,都只是歪歪斜斜、半隱於陰影中的東西。 但如果想像力夠豐富,意外之境將為你敞開。 在擺滿各種珍奇異寶的洛克大宅裡,我是裡面最珍稀的收藏品──一個有著奇怪名字、奇怪膚色的女孩。 當父親為洛克先生外出尋找祕寶時,我如幽魂般遊蕩在大宅中,在古板的保母、衣裝華麗的偽善賓客之間感受到無比格格不入。而一切,都在我發現那扇孤零零立在原野中、破敗的藍色門扉後,悄然改變。 十七歲那年,當父親的死訊傳來,我在大宅裡的藏寶箱找到了那本書,發現了「門」的存在。透過門扉,我看到異域的沙岩廣場、岩石築成的白色城市、薄暮中散發金光的黃金國度,以及鹽與海風的國家。然而,這項能看穿門扉的天賦將帶來一連串危機與威脅。殺手緊追在後,我不得不逃離既有生活,跟著書裡少女和鬼男孩的步伐,踏上一場漫長無邊的探尋之旅。 時候來臨時,我將成為活生生的鑰匙,開啟一道道「門」。 行走在世界邊緣、不停找尋出口的人, 在踏進門之時,擁有足夠勇氣才能成功去到另一側。 這是關於門的故事──通往何處,無法通往何處,以及如何打開。 這也是關於
定價:450 元, 優惠價:9 405
精準提問的力量:成功的人,用「提問」 解決問題!【經典暢銷版】
作者:法蘭克‧賽斯諾  出版社:三采文化  出版日:2022/01/17 裝訂:平裝
★原作暢銷四週年重新改版★ 白宮記者、CNN主播、美國參謀長的成功祕訣────問對問題。 艾美獎得主 親筆呈獻 高勝集團合夥人、美國眾議院議員 一致狂讚!!! 美國亞馬遜書店讀者評價 五星至高好評★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 「問對問題,能讓你身價大漲。精準提問,是職場人必修技能。」 ────財經主持人/《提問力,決定你的財富潛力》作者 朱楚文 專業推薦 【國外暢銷佳績/得獎紀錄】 CNN主播 安德森.庫柏(Anderson Cooper) CNN主播 沃夫.布利茲(Wolf Blitzer) 高盛集團合夥人 蘇西.謝爾(Susie Scher) 美國前眾議院議員 布萊恩.巴爾德(Brian Baird).........................長文推薦! 【內容簡介】 問對了問題,就能解決一半以上的棘手局面! 成功的人,都用「提問」解決問題! ◆ 美國前參謀長聯席會主席鮑爾如何決定發動科威特戰爭,並成功推翻海珊? ◆ 當初只是一個天馬行空的想法,如何能創造出Uber劃時代的共享服務? ◆ CNN主播安德森.庫柏怎麼做到獲獎無數,並被封為「讓人誠實的主播」? ◆ 為何不少公司捧著大把的鈔票找史帝夫.米勒拯救他們的企業? 很多人都想知道這些成功人士有何獨門祕訣,其實答案出奇簡單──問對問題。 曾任五屆白宮記者的法蘭克•賽斯諾(Frank Sesno),過去是CNN資深記者、當家主持人, 他發現成功人士都善用提問完成各種任務。 賽斯諾把「提問」視為一種能力,如果帶著多種視角提問,會有更宏觀的想法、得出更有創意的解決辦法。 在書中,賽斯諾把提問分為十一種類型,並援引數十位成功人士的例子, 其中有不少是美國政、商、學界做為引導思考、規劃對策的思維。 1. 診斷型提問──找出問題核心,做出正確判斷。 2. 策略型提問──看見局勢,評估目標、利益、風險、後果。 3. 同理型提問──探索對方內心真正的想法,取得認同。 4. 搭橋型提問──破解冷漠、敵意的防備,建立善意的對談。 5. 衝突型提問──能向對方確實究責,挖掘真相,留下紀錄。 6. 創意型提問──跳脫框架的思考,激發創意和想像。 7. 任務型提問──把棘手狀況轉換彼此共同目標,提升對方的使命感。 8. 科學型提問──檢驗觀點的對錯,探索未知。 9. 面試型提問──了解面試者個性與技能是否合適。 10. 有趣型提問──使對話
定價:360 元, 優惠價:9 324
打開機會之門:從留學生融入美國主流的成功歷程 為新世代拓展機會,激勵女性突破自我
作者:董繼玲-口述; 周典樂-撰寫; 羅鴻進-企編  出版社:聯經  出版日:2024/07/04 裝訂:平裝
定價:700 元, 優惠價:79 553
The Doors Unhinged:Jim Morrison's Legacy Goes on Trial
作者:John Densmore  出版社:Little Brown Book Group  出版日:2024/10/17 裝訂:平裝
定價:714 元, 優惠價:95 678
作者:Robert F. Wondrak  出版社:PBKPIMPE  出版日:2024/10/19 裝訂:平裝
定價:700 元, 優惠價:1 700
The House of Doors
作者:Tan Twan Eng  出版社:BLOOMSBURY  出版日:2024/10/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
The Book of Doors
作者:Gareth Brown  出版社:Transworld Publishers Ltd  出版日:2025/01/02 裝訂:平裝
定價:549 元, 優惠價:95 521
Lord Of The Rings Doors of Durin Notebook
出版社:ABYSSE UK  出版日:2025/01/25 裝訂:平裝
定價:549 元, 優惠價:95 521
The Breakdown: The 2017 gripping thriller from the bestselling author of Behind Closed Doors
作者:B A Paris  出版社:Harlequin Books UK  出版日:2017/02/09 裝訂:平裝
‘A psychological page-turner’ – Good Housekeeping If you can’t trust yourself, who can you trust? It all started that night in the woods. Cass Anderson didn’t stop to help the woman in the car, and no
定價:549 元, 優惠價:55 301
The Tale of the Unknown Island
作者:Jose Saramago  出版社:Vintage Publishing  出版日:1999/11/18 裝訂:平裝
"A man went to knock at the king's door and said, Give me a boat. The king's house had many other doors, but this was the door for petitions. Since the king spent all his time sitting by the door for favours (favours being offered to the king, you understand), whenever he heard someone knocking on the door for petitions, he would pretend not to hear..." Why the petitioner required a boat, where he was bound for, and who volunteered to crew for him and what cargo it was found to be carrying the reader will discover as this short narrative unfolds.And at the end it will be clear that what night appear to be a children's fable is in fact a wry, witty Philosophical Tale that would not have displeased Voltaire or Swift.
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 651
In the Moominhouse:A Lift-the-Flap Moomin Story
作者:Tove Jansson  出版社:Pan Macmillan  出版日:2024/08/08 裝訂:硬頁書
Come and explore with the Moomins in this brand-new story in a book shaped like the Moominhouse. Moomintroll is searching the Moominhouse for a string for his kite. He spots a red string .. . but where does it lead? Join Moomintroll as he follows the string past Snufkin playing a tune, Snorkmaiden swinging on a trapeze and Little My sliding down the stairs.Along the way, lift the flaps to explore rooms, peek into cupboards and peer behind doors. There are all kinds of wonderful things to find!With simple text, things to spot and flaps to lift on every page, In the Moominhouse is the perfect introduction for little ones to Tove Jansson's world of Moominvalley. If you like this book, join Moomintroll as he tiptoes through rooms in In the Lighthouse, the next lift-the-flap shaped board book in this series!
庫存 > 10
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
The Fragile Threads of Power
作者:V.E. Schwab  出版社:Titan Books Ltd  出版日:2024/09/17 裝訂:平裝
The Sunday Times bestseller, launching a new trilogy in the Shades of Magic universe, an enchanting and thrilling epic fantasy from the international sensation, V. E. Schwab, perfect for fans of Samantha Shannon, Kerri Maniscalco, Leigh Bardugo and R.F. Kuang. Seven years have passed since the doors between the worlds were sealed.Seven years since Kell, Lila and Holland stood against Osaron, a desperate battle that saved the worlds of Red, Grey and White London. Seven years since Kell's magic was shattered, and Holland lost his life. Now Rhy Maresh rules Red London with his new family - his queen, Nadiya, their daughter Ren, and his consort, Alucard.But his city boils with conspiracy and rebellion, fuelled by rumours he is causing magic to fade from the word. Now Kosika, a child Antari, sits on the throne of White London. The new queen leads her people in new rituals of sacrifice and blood in devotion to the altar of Holland Vosijk, summoning vast power she may not be able to control.N
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
The Game Master: Summer Schooled
作者:Rebecca Zamolo  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2023/05/30 裝訂:平裝
New York Times bestseller! From Matt and Rebecca Zamolo, creators of the mega-popular YouTube series Game Master Network, comes a new thrilling novel about everyone’s favorite mystery-solving team as they go toe-to-toe with the mysterious and menacing Game Master.Rebecca Zamolo is on a mission to save her summer. Instead of going to camp like she’d planned, she’s been stuck in summer school. But today is the day! She’s going to present her final science assignment—using her Nana’s borrowed vintage zoetrope—and then she’ll be free to have fun.But as Becca and her classmates wait for her teacher to arrive, a menacing voice comes over the intercom claiming to be the Game Master! The kids quickly discover that the Game Master has locked the doors, scared off the teachers, and made it clear that if Becca and her friends don’t solve the clues that have been left behind, they’ll never get back Becca’s irreplaceable zoetrope, never finish summer school, and never get to enjoy wh
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
Inside the Empire ― The True Power Behind the New York Yankees
作者:Bob Klapisch; Paul Solotaroff  出版社:Mariner Books  出版日:2020/03/24 裝訂:平裝
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERA riveting look at what is really said and done behind closed doors with the New York Yankees, the most famous and wealthiest sports franchise in the worldUsing the 2018 baseb
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
作者:DENT-YOUNG; John‧DENT-YOUNG; Alex (tra.)  出版社:香港中文大學出版社  出版日:1994/01/01 裝訂:平裝
When Marshal Hong breaks the seals which generations of Taoist Masters have placed on the temple doors to hold back 108 incarcerated Demon Princes, powerful forces of disorder are released. One after
定價:660 元, 優惠價:9 594
The Rite :The Making of a Modern Day Exorcist(現代驅魔師)
In 2005 a Vatican-run university opened its doors to priests from around the world, running a course for would-be exorcists. Looking for a story, Rome-based investigative journalist Matt Baglio attend
定價:455 元, 優惠價:9 410
#4 The House of Hades (The Heroes of Olympus) (Graphic Novel)
作者:Rick Riordan  出版社:DISNEY HYPERION  出版日:2024/09/24 裝訂:平裝
The fourth exciting entry in Rick Riordan's best-selling Heroes of Olympus series is now a graphic novel! At the conclusion of The Mark of Athena, Annabeth and Percy tumble into a pit leading straight to the Underworld. The other five demigods have to put aside their grief and follow Percy's instructions to find the mortal side of the Doors of Death. If they can fight their way through the Gaea's forces, and Percy and Annabeth can survive the House of Hades, then the Seven will be able to seal the Doors from both sides and prevent the giants from raising Gaea. But, Leo wonders, if the Doors are sealed, how will Percy and Annabeth be able to escape? They have no choice. If the demigods don't succeed, Gaea's armies will never die. They have no time. In about a month, the Romans will march on Camp Half-Blood. The stakes are higher than ever in this adventure that dives into the depths of Tartarus.
定價:570 元, 優惠價:79 450
Jack and the Beanstalk (附音檔QR code)
作者:Stephen Tucker; Nick Sharratt  出版社:Macmillan Children's Books UK  出版日:2021/07/22 裝訂:有聲書
Lift-the-Flap Fairy Tales: Jack and the Beanstalk is a fresh, modern and wonderfully witty take on the much-loved story, retold in a playful rhyme and accompanied by bright and funny illustrations. Flaps to lift on every page bring to life the classic story of Jack and his incredible journey up the Giant Beanstalk. Make the beanstalk grow up into the clouds, be brave and open the doors to the giant's castle, and watch his feet pop up out of the compost heap as he comes tumbling down from the sky!Featuring a free audio reading, complete with music and sound effects! Just scan the QR code on the book with your smart device to hear the story.With this bonus audio feature, you can listen to the story wherever you are, and follow along with the book by turning the pages when you hear the chime.
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
The Magical Worlds Complete Collection (共7本)
作者:Enid Blyton  出版社:Hodder & Stoughton  出版日:2017/01/01 裝訂:平裝
本套書包含以下 7本商品Up The Faraway TreeOne day, children Robin and Joy discover a book all about a Magic Faraway Tree. Intrigued, they go on an adventure and meet Joe, Beth and Frannie from the story and together they climb the Magic Faraway Tree and have the most magical adventures together!The Folk of the Faraway TreeThe mischievous Connie comes to enjoy a few days with Joe, Beth and Frannie while her mother is sick. Connie refuses to believe in the Faraway Tree or the magical folk who live in it, even when the Angry Pixie throws ink at her!The Magic Faraway TreeJoin Joe, Beth and Frannie as they take their cousin Rick on a an adventure he’ll never forget – up the Magic Faraway Tree! Along with their friends Moon-Face, Saucepan Man and Silky the fairy, the children tumble from the fun of the Land of Toys to the thrill of trying to escape the Land of Dreams. Will they ever make it home for tea?The Enchanted WoodWhen Joe, Beth and Frannie move to a new home, an Enchanted Wood is on their doors
定價:2691 元, 優惠價:79 2126
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