全書彩色印刷,附贈平假名、片假名彩色掛圖一張52cm x 37cm(市價50元)及平假名(清音)、片假名(清音)小卡片。 超有料、超可愛、超有趣、超好學日語50音學習大革命,擺脫傳統枯燥學習法,每個假名搭配四個常用單字,加上超過700張可愛插圖,單字越背越有興趣,大大提高學習樂趣,10歲到90歲都適用。全國唯一,將日語50音平假名和片假名的清音、濁音、半濁音、拗音等等完整介紹,皆附上羅馬拼音與注音
Makes Learning Chinese FUN and EASY! Includes typical conversations with popular local businesses and services in Taiwan, so that you can use the sentences in real situations!! Helpful Features Inclu
Makes Learning Chinese Verbs FUN and EASY!1. Easy to LearnExplains how verbs can be used in different tenses and sentences in a clear and effective way.2. It’s PracticalTeaches verbs for everyday use: