《English Stylebook 英文寫作的法則》修訂版文章力強不強,就藏在寫作的細節裡!!舉例來說,用錯一個標點符號,可能就會被母語人士或長官誤解!本書精選出317條英文寫作必備規則,讓你寫作時直接查找、馬上套用,寫出上司激賞、教授驚艷、連AI也取代不了的超完美文章!.本書適用於各個場合,顯示英語程度、提升好感度,英文學習愛好者、英語文字工作者、譯者......必備工具書! 有些人的英語非常流利,在與外國人交談時都能對答如流,然而在寫作時常常被圈出錯誤、通篇需要修改,文章中有很多不會注意到的小錯誤,這些都是非母語者時常碰到的情況,這是因為大多數英語學習者在聽力、閱讀、口說能力都會下很大的功夫去精進,但是寫作能力卻是大家都會忽略的部分。 透過本書,學習者可以學習到各種平時學校不會仔細教、自己也不會注意到的寫作小細節,包含英文拼字、標點和特殊符號、各種數字、文體的正確寫法,讓你的文章不僅在文法上很通順,連閱讀時都會讓人感到舒服,進而讓人認同你的英語程度是菁英等級,讓教授和長官都對你刮目相看,連AI都挑不出錯誤。【本書特色】認識道地英語的基本規則 本書介紹寫出道地英文必須注意的317項基本規則,以拼字及標點及特殊符號、數字為主,著重於使用英語時需要特別留意的部分來說明,請看以下兩個例子就可以知道寫作時非常細微的差異,在句意上會有什麼樣的變化:☆ 為什麼要謹慎使用逗號呢? 小小的逗號,為什麼會讓一個句子創造出不同的語意呢?我們來看 (a)、(b) 這兩個例句(a) John didn’t die happily.(b) John didn’t die, happily. 從這兩個句子來看,(a) 句代表 John 過世時並不快樂;而 (b) 句則代表很愉快地,John 並沒有過世。我們可以從這兩種句子看出來,這兩個句子只差了一個逗號,意思就完全相反。在寫作時,如果可以注意到這些小細節,將會把寫作帶到更高的層級,也能讓你想要表達的意思更加清晰。★ 為什麼表示強調時要使用斜體?(1) It is wrong.(2) It is wrong.(這句將 it改成斜體) 從這兩個句子來看,(1) 句只是普通的表達法,表示 It 所代表的事物是錯誤的;(2) 句將It 用斜體呈現,強調 It 這個詞彙,指錯的是那件事,而非其他事物。因此,在寫作時如果想要特別強調某個事
One of the most notable features of nanometer scale CMOS technology is the increasing magnitude of variability of the key device parameters affecting performance of integrated circuits. The growth of variability can be attributed to multiple factors, including the difficulty of manufacturing control, the emergence of new systematic variation-generating mechanisms, and most importantly, the increase in atomic-scale randomness, where device operation must be described as a stochastic process. In addition to wide-sense stationary stochastic device variability and temperature variation, existence of non-stationary stochastic electrical noise associated with fundamental processes in integrated-circuit devices represents an elementary limit on the performance of electronic circuits.In an attempt to address these issues, Stochastic Process Variation in Deep-Submicron CMOS: Circuits and Algorithms offers unique combination of mathematical treatment of random process variation, electrical noise
Richard Stanley's two-volume basic introduction to enumerative combinatorics has become the standard guide to the topic for students and experts alike. This thoroughly revised second edition of Volume 1 includes ten new sections and more than 300 new exercises, most with solutions, reflecting numerous new developments since the publication of the first edition in 1986. The author brings the coverage up to date and includes a wide variety of additional applications and examples, as well as updated and expanded chapter bibliographies. Many of the less difficult new exercises have no solutions so that they can more easily be assigned to students. The material on P-partitions has been rearranged and generalized; the treatment of permutation statistics has been greatly enlarged; and there are also new sections on q-analogues of permutations, hyperplane arrangements, the cd-index, promotion and evacuation and differential posets.
This book, whose primary aim is to describe liquefaction processes and their implications for marine strucutres such as pipelines, sea outfalls, quay walls and caisson breakwaters, discusses the subje
This book proposes that, within the automotive industry, revised marketing principles and innovative marketing strategies are needed to address more effectively the unprecedented challenges posed by t
This two-volume text provides a complete overview of the theory of Banach spaces, emphasising its interplay with classical and harmonic analysis (particularly Sidon sets) and probability. The authors give a full exposition of all results, as well as numerous exercises and comments to complement the text and aid graduate students in functional analysis. The book will also be an invaluable reference volume for researchers in analysis. Volume 1 covers the basics of Banach space theory, operatory theory in Banach spaces, harmonic analysis and probability. The authors also provide an annex devoted to compact Abelian groups. Volume 2 focuses on applications of the tools presented in the first volume, including Dvoretzky's theorem, spaces without the approximation property, Gaussian processes, and more. In volume 2, four leading experts also provide surveys outlining major developments in the field since the publication of the original French edition.