The contributions collected here demonstrate the full range and vitality of current work on the Anglo-Norman period, from a variety of different angles and disciplines. Topics include architecture and
This volume demonstrates the vitality and range of studies in the area. It begins with an appropriately timely chapter on the Magna Carta, the Allen Brown Memorial Lecture, given by John Hudson. Furth
Caen, 1987: 900th anniversary of the death of William the Conqueror. S-Etienne-de-Caen; Projet de beeatification de Guillaume le Conqueerant au 16e siecle?; Empress Matilda and Bec-Hellouin; Bayeux Ta
Papers here have as a general theme the "Norman Age", with a special slant towards the Mediterranean world. Subjects treated include the policies of the Norman rulers, their military and naval organis
The latest volume of Battle Conference proceedings emphasizes the European range and interdisciplinarity of the series. It opens with Anne Duggan's R. Allen Brown Memorial Lecture for 2010, on the eff
The wide-ranging articles collected here represent the cutting edge of recent Anglo-Norman scholarship. Topics include English kingship, legends of the Battle of Bouvines, ideas of empire, the practi
The contributions collected in this volume demonstrate the full range and vitality of current work on the Anglo-Norman period in a variety of disciplines. Subjects include the fables on the Bayeux Tap
This year's volume continues to demonstrate the vitality of scholarship in this area, across a variety of disciplines. Topics include the forging of the Battle Abbey Chronicle; warring schoolmasters i
A rich collection of articles on multiple aspects of Anglo-Norman and Norman studies, forming an indispensable addition to an understanding of this important period of history.