Described by the learned editor of this new Routledge collection as ‘both a subfield and a fundamental approach to criminological inquiry’, theoretical criminology is concerned with debates about foun
Serious research into the problematic and distressing concept of human trafficking continues to blossom. Indeed, the work of scholars in this cross-disciplinary field supports numerous international j
Over the past fifty years, the apparatus of surveillance in modern societies has expanded to such an extent that almost every aspect of our public and private lives is now open to scrutiny and analysi
A new title from Routledge, Crime II is an essential successor to the editor’s earlier collection, published to acclaim in 2002.Bean’s Crime (978-0-415-25264-5) (2002) was the first comprehensive anth
Critical Criminology is now a well-established—if heterogeneous and contentious—field of study. The work of critical criminologists supports numerous international journals, regional organizations, an
A thorny question faced by all civilized societies is what to do when people commit crime, and, in particular, how criminals are to be punished. Yet the nature of punishment, its justifications, aims,
Cultural Criminology is a theoretical, methodological, and interventionist approach to the study of crime and deviance that places criminality and its control in the context of culture; that is, it vi
Biosocial criminologists seek to explain crime (and related anti-social behaviour) by exploring both biological and environmental factors. Combining perspectives from mainstream Criminology and Sociol
A variety of crime phenomena—including, but by no means limited to, white-collar crime and corruption, environmental crime, and ‘traditional’ organized crime—vie for the attention of international pol
The systematic study of organized crime dates back to John Landesco s classic of ethnography, Organized Crime in Chicago (1929). Since then, the field has grown considerably and, as well as criminolog
Green Criminology embraces a wide and rapidly growing network of researchers and scholars around the world who are actively engaged in the study of environmental crime and ecological justice. Transgre
Serious research into the problematic and contested relationship between notions of race and crime continues to blossom. Indeed, the work of scholars in this cross-disciplinary field supports numerous
In the United Kingdom, an official definition of hate crime is ‘any criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards someone ba
In modern times, the most egregious crimes are undoubtedly those committed, incited, or condoned by states (as well as by de facto authorities exerting political and military control over a substantia