The war of Honce drags on, and the roads?and seas are littered with bodies. To everyone’s stunned disbelief, Yeslnik the Fool has tipped the war’s scales in his favor. The reign of the newly self-appo
In The Highwayman, New York Times–bestselling author R. A. Salvatore takes his readers back to his signature world of Corona, introducing a fascinating new hero in the Saga of the First King series.It
As he journeys across the Gulf of Corona to the wild lands of Vanguard in search of his long-lost father, Bransen Garibond becomes caught up in a desperate and dangerous battle against the brutal Samh
The vast road network of Honce, completed a decade before, had brought great optimism to the people of the land.Commerce could travel more freely and so could armies, and those armies, it was h
Years before the Demon Wars in the land of Corona, Bran Dynard, a monk of the Abelle religion, returns to his home from a far-off land, with a book of mystical knowledge and Sen Wi, his beautiful and
Collected together for the first time, the exciting conclusion to New York Times bestselling author R. A. Salvatore’s Saga of the First Kings series, set in the world of the DemonWarsIn The Dame, Bran