The complete set of Wiley CPAexcel Study Guides arm CPA test-takers with detailed text and skill-building problems to help identify, focus on, and master the specific topics that may need additional r
The complete set of Wiley CPAexcel Study Guides arm CPA test-takers with detailed text and skill-building problems to help identify, focus on, and master the specific topics that may need additional r
The Wiley CPAexcel Study Guides — AUD, BEC, FAR and REG — have helped over a half million candidates pass the CPA Exam.This comprehensive four-volume paperback set reviews all four parts of the CPA Ex
The Wiley CPAexcel Study Guides have helped over a half million candidates pass the CPA Exam. This volume contains all current AICPA content requirements in Auditing and Attestation (AUD).The comprehe
The Wiley CPAexcel Study Guides have helped over a half million candidates pass the CPA Exam. This volume contains all current AICPA content requirements in Business Environment and Concepts (BEC).The
The Wiley CPAexcel Study Guides have helped over a half million candidates pass the CPA Exam. This volume contains all current AICPA content requirements in Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR).Th
Everything today’s CPA candidates need to pass the CPA Exam Published annually, this Regulation volume of the comprehensive four-volume paperback reviews all current AICPA content requirements in busi
Everything today’s CPA candidates need to pass the CPA ExamPublished annually, this Business Environment and Concepts volume of the comprehensive four-volume paperback reviews all current AICPA conten
Everything today’s CPA candidates need to pass the CPA Exam Published annually, this Financial Accounting and Reporting volume of the comprehensive four-volume paperback reviews all current AICPA co
The Wiley CPAexcel Study Guide: Auditing and Attestation arms CPA test-takers with detailed text and skill-building problems to help identify, focus on, and master the specific topics that may need ad
The Wiley CPAexcel Study Guide: Financial Accounting and Reporting arms CPA test-takers with detailed text and skill-building problems to help identify, focus on, and master the specific topics that m
Everything today's CPA candidates need to pass the CPA Exam Published annually, this Auditing and Attestation volume of the comprehensive four-volume paperback reviews all current AICPA content requi
The Wiley CPAexcel Examination Study Guide Set arms readers with detailed outlines and study guidelines, plus skill-building problems and solutions, that help the CPA candidates identify, focus on, an
The world's most effective CPA exam prep system – Business and Environmental Concepts moduleWiley CPAexcel Exam Review is the world's most trusted study guide for the Certified Public Accountant's exa
The world's most effective CPA exam prep system – Financial Accounting and Reporting moduleWiley CPAexcel Exam Review is the world's most trusted study guide for the Certified Public Accountant's exam
The world's most effective CPA exam prep system – Regulation moduleWiley CPAexcel Exam Review is the world's most trusted study guide for the Certified Public Accountant's exam – complete, comprehensi
“I wanted to say I bought just the four books by Wiley for each CPA section and took all 4 parts of the exam in May 2009. I studied for about half a year, and I PASSED ALL 4 PARTS ON THE FIRST TRY!!!
The CIA exam tests a candidate's knowledge of current internal auditing practices and understanding of internal audit issues, risks, and remedies. The exam is offered in four parts, each part consisti