The Music Theory for Young Musicians series is a colorful and imaginative set of books that covers all aspects of the ABRSM theory syllabus for Grades 1--5. With one book per grade, assigning theory l
This series of books uses a fun and novel way to teach children the fundamentals of music theory. Games and stickers are used to introduce all of the essentials such as staves, clefs, note identificat
he Genera of Orchidaceae in Hong Kong is a handy reference for both amateurs and professional botanists in Asia who wish to enter the field of modern orchidology. Orchid appreciation is an art deeply rooted in Asian cultures. But in 1977, when this book was first published, orchidology as a science was new to people there. The technical vocabulary was unfamiliar and the subject matter difficult to understand. Therefore, this volume was intended as a general, easy-to-use reference book, with illustrations of the basic structure of orchids and their habit and habitat clearly described in Chapter I.The book may also be used as a self-help guide for naturalists and gardeners in Hong Kong who wish to identify an orchid new to them. In Chapter II, keys, descriptions, and illustrations are given to allow the reader to look up and gain information about individual orchid species. Chapter III provides an analysis of the composition and an interpretation of the phytogeographic significance of th
A New York Public Library Best Book of the YearA NCSS 2023 Notable Social Studies Trade BookWhat was the pandemic of the century like at the start? This swift, gripping novel captures not only the uncertainty and panic when COVID first emerged in Wuhan, but also how a community banded together. Weaving in the tastes and sounds of the historic city, Wuhan's comforting and distinctive cuisine comes to life as the reader follows 13-year-old Mei who, through her love for cooking, makes a difference in her community. Written by an award-winning author originally from Wuhan. Grieving the death of her mother and an outcast at school, thirteen-year-old Mei finds solace in cooking and computer games. When her friend's grandmother falls ill, Mei seeks out her father, a doctor, for help, and discovers the hospital is overcrowded. As the virus spreads, Mei finds herself alone in a locked-down city trying to find a way to help.Author Ying Chang Compestine draws on her own experiences growing up in
我們既是獨一無二的,也是彼此相連的──在法式甜點中尋找台灣,回答「我是誰」,定義其中的台灣身分識別Ying的厚實大作《法式甜點學》,介紹了法式甜點的歷史發展、結構與技術、鑑賞方式、甜點圈內的祕密,以及法國頂尖甜點師的專訪,為台灣讀者上了扎實的系列課程。書中也討論了甜點界的各種生態及面臨的挑戰,當中關於「在地化」的探討,引起了許多熱烈的回響──如何在現有的法式甜點規則及框架之下,不斷創新,並呈現出專屬於台灣的味道?重新梳理法式甜點在台灣的發展歷程,以及代表性職人的養成及相關作品、面對的挑戰、想傳達的概念,並深入思考身為「台灣甜點師」的意義。將視角拉回台灣,Ying拜訪了認識關注已久的台灣甜點店家、職人。台灣職人們的熱情和靈活令她感動,餐飲界的活力與無框架更使她訝異。這是異於法國巴黎,另一處生機盎然的新天地,處處皆是怒放的奇花異草卻鮮為世界所知。於是一個全新的採訪計畫就此產生,有別於過去扮演將法國的甜點、甜點師推廣給台灣市場的角色,這次Ying要藉機深入了解台灣市場,並將台灣的法式甜點、甜點師介紹給台灣及國際讀者。18組閃亮亮重量級指標甜點職人,共同攜手歷經一趟自我追尋之路。受訪名單一字排開無比華麗,可說是建構出今日台灣法式甜點市場風貌的重要人物,不同個性、風格的甜點師,展現出多樣又精彩的台灣法式甜點。Ying發揮出自己過去做社會研究、品牌行銷工作、專業甜點師以及經營社群自媒體的多重身分及經驗,在深度訪談之餘,也將法式甜點在台灣的發展歷程重新彙整,全書以五個主題切入,探討「台灣風格」成形之可能。並且加入了喜樂可可咖啡園、香草騎士暨香草農夫的「產地拜訪」。▌法式甜點在台灣珠寶盒法式點心坊boîte à bijoux|林淑真Le Ruban Pâtisserie法朋烘焙甜點坊|李依錫187巷的法式187 allée française|謝美玲▌台灣甜點師的養成SEASON Artisan Pâtissier|洪守成Salon de Marie Antoinette瑪麗安東妮手工法國點心工作坊|吳庭槐全統西點麵包CHUAN TUNG|陳星緯TERRA土然、九日風、在欉紅Red on Tree|楊豐旭▌台灣風格、台灣味的形塑菓實日Kajitsu Pâtisserie|曹羽君、高韞豐Quelques Pâtisseries某某。甜點|賴怡君、Lynn LinHUGH
A playful, feminist retelling of Rapunzel with a Chinese-cuisine twist The story of Rapunzel where she's being locked in a tower by a witch is a good one--but it's not totally the truth. The real story is about a young princess in China named Ra Pu Zel who doesn't want to talk to princes or look proper. What Pu Zel wants is to cook and eat in peace, her long hair neatly braided to keep it out of her food. And when she gets tired of everyone telling her what to do, she locks herself in a tower with her dog Bao. Although princes from everywhere try to convince her to come down, it's not until a young chef arrives with an intriguing food to share that Ra Pu Zel finally has a reason.
Depuis environ soixante ans, les grammairiens et les linguistes ne considèrent plus que les prépositions de lieu en et à soient vides de sens, mais elles sont toujours vues comme les plus abstraites d
Maxine the meerkat loves to play with her friends, but one day, the doctor calls her into his office for being overweight. Is she in trouble? Join Maxine on her journey to understand healthy habits!The Baby Bear Paediatric Care Series features stories of compassion, focusing on pressing conditions and illnesses facing children in today's world. Through engaging storytelling and beautiful illustrations, children, parents and educators will learn about various childhood conditions, and how they are addressed by doctors and hospitals. The series aims to spark discussion, and to build awareness and hope in children and adults.ABOUT THE AUTHORDr Nishanti Wijedasa Han Ying is a paediatric doctor at KK Women's and Children's Hospital, Singapore. She has a special interest in sport and active living, and strives to encourage children to find joy in sports. As a paediatrician, she is always learning from her patients and hopes this series allows her to give back to them.