英文不是台灣的第二語言,要如何讓孩子從小贏在起跑點呢?透過美式英語發音,搭配精美圖片與簡單句子,讓孩子愛上閱讀,從中學習並培養英文力,幫助孩子打好語言的基礎,同時也幫助孩子發展出深度閱讀的能力。【美女與野獸】(Beauty and the Beast)電影於1991年推出,為迪士尼的第30部經典動畫。故事描述一個被施魔咒的古堡裡,一位王子因不懂得慈悲與寬容而被仙女變為野獸,唯有他學會如何愛人才能變
An original addition to the beloved Beauty and the Beast fairy tale, Lost in a Book follows the lonely, bookish Belle as she finds an enchanted book in the Beast's library called Nevermore that
Including fan-favorite Read-Along storybooks, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, and Beauty and the Beast, this paperback bind-up includes 3 magical stories, word-for-word narration, character voices, an
Age 6+ A timeless love story retold for children growing in their reading confidence and ability. The Beast lives alone in his castle, enchanted by a wicked fairy and waiting for true love to break
Relive the classic tales of Belle, Cinderella, Rapunzel, and Ariel in this boxed set featuring four Read-Along Storybook and CD's of Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Tangled, and The Little Mermaid.
~世紀經典戀愛故事著色書~ 【本書特色】◎ 經典戀愛故事名家重新繪製,一邊著色,一邊紓壓。◎ 創作媒材不設限,無論色鉛筆、水彩、彩色筆、粉臘筆皆適用。◎ 全書使用美術紙印製,厚實不透色。 以Jeanne-Marie Le Prince de Beaumont原版著作為基礎重新改寫,搭配精美的插圖,請選擇自己喜愛的顏色,創作出獨一無二的戀愛畫冊。 被施了魔法而變成野獸的