In 1858 as a stipulation of the Treaty of Tientsin the British Empire expanded its treaty ports to include the port of Tamsui on ’s northeastern coast. John Dodd was one of the first merchants to ente
本書內容為春秋時期晉國與戰國時期三晉的金文發展與演變。金文,亦稱為銘文或鐘鼎文,乃鑄刻在青銅器上的文字,其內容是紀錄當時社會活動和歷史事件,例如:昭書、征戰、盟約等。作者諾爾•巴納德(Noel Barnard)經過長時間的資料收集和彙整相關文獻,致力於編輯此套書籍,希望可以讓讀者更了解金文。This book is talk about the development and evolution
For many people, orthodoxy in late imperial China means Confucianism, or more precisely, Neo-Confucianism. Unlike most studies of Chinese values, which approach the subject as a philosophical and religious system, this book focuses on the interaction between Neo-Confucianism that stood for far more than more benevolent government, individual morality, and scholarly cultivation. In the essays presented here, Confucian idealism and transcendence become part of a system of sacred obligations and loyalties operating in the context of the imperial state and the family. These careful case studies examine many facets of the late imperial society to create a complex picture of Chinese life. Among other things, they provide a look at the official worship system, mid Ch'ing scholarly academies, the special status of tenant/servants, and the lineage feuds that were rampant on the southeast coast. The authors bring out the cultural significance of state and family rituals. They depict worried patr