Creepy Conspiracy Theories checks out the wildest conspiracy stories in the world--stories too strange to be made up! The book is written with a high interest level to appeal to a more mature audience
Mysterious Vanishings checks out the weirdest vanishings in the world--stories too strange to be made up! The book is written with a high interest level to appeal to a more mature audience with a lowe
Adorable Animal Friendships checks out the sweetest animals friendships in the world--too strange to be made up! The book is written with a high interest level to appeal to a more mature audience with
Mothman in the Urban Legends: Don't Read Alone! series explores the creepy legend of Mothman--from background to speculation to scientific explanation. This book is written with a high interest level
Sewer Gators in the Urban Legends: Don't Read Alone! series explores creepy stories of gators in the sewer--from history to speculation to scientific explanation. This book is written with a high inte
Could you survive mechanical failure in space? Apollo 13: Mission to the Moon in the True Survival series explores the shocking survival story of the Apollo 13 spacecraft and her crew. The book is wri
Could you survive a plane crash in the Peruvian jungle? Juliane Koepcke: Lost in Peru in the True Survival series explores Koepcke's shocking survival story. The book is written with a high interest l
Could you survive being trapped and stranded in the desert? Aron Ralston: Trapped in the Desert in the True Survival series explores Ralston's shocking survival story. The book is written with a high
Could you survive being adrift in the middle of the ocean? Steven Callahan: Adrift in the Atlantic in the True Survival series explores Callahan's shocking survival story. The book is written with a h
Could you survive a plane crash in the Andes mountain range? Nando Parrado: Crash in the Andes in the True Survival series explores Parrado's shocking survival story. The book is written with a high i
"Could you survive being a lone castaway on a deserted island? Ada Blackjack: Castaway in the True Survival series explores Blackjack's shocking survival story. The book is written with a high interes
Mackenzie Poltergeist in the Urban Legends: Don't Read Alone! series explores the creepy story of the Mackenzie Poltergeist legend--from history to speculation to scientific explanation. This book is