Bella, Clarice Kligore's cousin, arrives for a visit. The thing is, Bellaand Clarice are identical. No one can tell them apart-not even Honey. Claricewastes no time in using this to her bullying advan
When Harry s sister wins a nationalessay contest in technology, the whole Moon family is treated to a dream weekendin the ultimate, fully loaded, smart house designed by Marvel Modbot, the WaltDisney
The circus comes to Sleepy Holloweveryone is thrilled, especially Harry Moon. That is, until Harry and his GoodMischief friends uncover something suspicious under Clive Cantaloni's Big Top.Harry sets
The new Pizza Slice is doing boomingbusiness, but the kids in Sleepy Hollow Middle School are turning into strangecreatures the more they eat of the haunted cheesy delicacy. Even the GoodMischief Team
Bible scholar F. B. Meyer presents fresh, encouraging accounts of three New Testament men: John the Baptist, Peter, and Paul. All were changed by Jesus’ loving touch to become faithful followers who p
What does it really mean for the church to have unity?When Jesus prayed for his followers to be one, he prayed that this unity would demonstrate the truth of his claims to an unbelieving world. Sadly,
Two names stand above all others in the history of the early Christian church: Augustine and Athanasius. The former was from the West and contended for the doctrine of grace against Roman moralism, wh
"In this classic work, A. W. Pink explains how God's sovereignty is characterized in creation and salvation, and describes the relationship between God's sovereignty and human will"--
Brother Lawrence was a man of humble beginnings who discovered the greatest secret of living in the kingdom of God here on earth. It is the art of “practicing the presence of God in one single act tha
What can be accomplished in an ordinary man who trusts in an extraordinary God? George Müller discovered the endless possibilities! These excerpts from his diary allow Müller to tell his own story. Jo
Durante 17 años, Elaine sirvió a su maestro, Satanás, con una total dedicación. Un día se encontró con la Dra. Rebecca Brown, quien servía a su maestro, Jesucristo, con igual dedicación. Elaine, una d
Power over Satan Can Be Yours This book is written for all those children of God who hunger and thirst after a close personal relationship with Him. It is for those who long to hear His voice in their