The Global Beauty Industry is an interdisciplinary text that uses beauty to explore topics of gender, race, class, colorism, nation, bodies, multiculturalism, transnationalism, and intersectionality.
This book analyzes widespread global ethnic conflicts that tear asunder nations and regions, such as the former Yugoslavia. Dan Chirot casts his analysis in a discussion of the conflict between nation
The United States has been involved in many wars, sometimes for noble causes like defeating Nazism, and, at other times, it has compromised its own ideals, leading to a lot of soul searching and regre
The book's central focus explores several "myths" associated with American entrepreneurship: the idea that small business owners are "job creators"; that entreprene
"This short book lays out a new definition for what constitutes a social problem: the violation of a group's human rights, which are understood as commonly upheld standards about what people deserve a
Confronting Campus Rape: Legal Landscapes, New Media, and Networked Activism offers a historical, legal, and social justice approach to the national crisis of sexual violence on college campuses. The
Being and becoming trans* is a complex and varied experience whether an individual is living openly as trans* or not. Few published studies in either the academic or popular press illuminate the chall
People ‘overshare’ when they interact with others through the screens of computers and smartphones. Oversharing means to divulge more of their inner feelings, opinions and sexuality than they would in
Being and becoming trans* is a complex and varied experience whether an individual is living openly as trans* or not. Few published studies in either the academic or popular press illuminate the chall
This textbook takes a critical perspective on how current immigration laws have been formulated. Central insights from the rich immigration literature and from law and society scholars show how 'illeg
Higher education is more important than ever, for individual success and for national economic growth. And yet higher education in the United States is in crisis: public funding has been in free fall;
In Ferguson and many other American communities, social media has raised the visibility of police actions, leading to protests and social movements addressing white police treatment of African America
In Ferguson and many other American communities, social media has raised the visibility of police actions, leading to protests and social movements addressing white police treatment of African America
Beginning with the premise that race is a global phenomenon configured in the political context of European empire, this book presents studies of historical and contemporary race making on--and about-
Beginning with the premise that race is a global phenomenon configured in the political context of European empire, this book presents studies of historical and contemporary race making on--and about-