Readers will learn about penguin habitats in the Southern Hemisphere, what the birds eat, how they survive, and who watches over the penguin eggs before they hatch.
In this book, readers will discover what pandas eat, how they mate and reproduce, and why they are having such a difficult time surviving in the wild. They will also learn where pandas live and which
Stingrays wide, flat bodies and long, spiked tails help them stand out from most other fish. Readers will discover how stingrays search for food along the ocean floor, how their flexible bodies make t
The tiger is the largest cat species in the world. It is also one of the animal worlds fiercest hunters. Readers will learn all about these remarkable predators, from how they stalk unsuspecting prey
Thanks to marine parks and zoos, many people around the world are familiar with the incredible abilities of killer whales. However, these aquatic hunters are far more than just entertaining performers
Large, peaceful, and slow-moving, it is no wonder why manatees are known as the cows of the sea. Readers will learn where manatees live, what they eat, and how they raise their young. They will also f
People have long been fascinated with parrots beautiful, brightly-colored feathers and remarkable vocalization abilities. Readers will learn about the incredible variety among the over 300 species of
With several species among the largest snakes in the world, pythons are well known for their strength and beauty. Readers will learn how these powerful predators use constriction to crush their prey,
For over 200 million years, sea turtles have swum throughout Earths oceans. Rarely leaving their watery homes, these incredible reptiles have long fascinated people. Readers will discover how sea turt
Weighing up to 1,500 pounds, polar bears are the largest carnivores on Earth. These massive bears stalk their icy habitats in search of seals and other tasty prey. Readers will discover just how polar
With their strange faces and nocturnal habits, owls have long captured the imaginations of people around the world. Readers will discover how these feathered flyers swoop down to snatch prey in their
Known for their size and their toxic bites, king cobras can pump enough venom through their fangs to kill a fully-grown elephant. Readers will discover how these sneaky snakes capture their prey, slit
Descended from domesticated animals, herds of wild horses roam plains, deserts, and wetlands around the world. Readers will learn how these feral populations came to exist, how they are different from