Differential and Difference Equations with Applications: Icddea 2019, Lisbon, Portugal, July 1-5

Differential and Difference Equations with Applications: Icddea 2019, Lisbon, Portugal, July 1-5


:NT$ 16239 元
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On the existence of positive solutions for the time-scale dynamic equations on infinite intervals (Dogan).- A randomized quasi-Monte Carlo algorithms for some boundary value problems (Sipin).- On the study of forward Kolmogorov system and the corresponding problems for inhomogeneous continuous-time Markov chains (Zeifman).- Convergence rate estimates for some models of queuing theory, and their applications (Zeifman et al.).- On Enlarged Sufficient Conditions for L2-Dissipativity of Linearized Explicit Schemes with Regularization for 1D Gas Dynamics Systems of Equations (Zlotnik).- Equilibrium of a linearly elastic body under generalized boundary data (Starita et al.).- Nonlocal problems for the fourth order impulsive partial differential equations (Assanova et al.).- Application of method of differential inequalities to bounding the rate of convergence for a class of Markov chains (Kryukova et al.).- The method of fractional steps for the numerical solution of a multidimensional heat conduction equation with delay for the case of variable coefficient of heat conductivity (Lekomtsev).- Hyers-Ulam stability of a nonlinear Volterra integral equation on time scales (Christian et al.).-The method of fractional steps for the numerical solution of a multidimensional heat conduction equation with delay for the case of variable coefficient of heat conductivity (Lekomtsev).- Hyers-Ulam stability of a nonlinear Volterra integral equation on time scales (Reinfelds et al.).- On some stochastic algorithms for the numerical solution of the first boundary value problem for the heat equation (Sipin et al.).- Local controllability of a class of fractional differential inclusions via derived cones (Aurelian).- A Modified Second-Order Collatz Equation as a Mathematical Model of Bipolar Disorder (Kent).- Local bifurcations in the generalized Cahn-Hilliard equation (Kulikovet et al.).- The numerical solution of wave equation with delay for the case of variable velocity coefficient (Tashirova).- Two nontrivial solutions for Robin problems driven by a p-Laplacian operator (Aguı et al.).- Multiple periodic solutions for a Duffing type equation with one-sided sublinear nonlinearity: Beyond the Poincare-Birkhoff twist theorem (Donde et al.).- Dynamical models of interrelation in a class of artificial networks (Sadyrbaev et al.).- Analytic traveling-wave solutions of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang interface growing equation with different kind of noise terms (Barna et al.).- Triple solutions for elastic beam equations of the fourth-order with boundary conditions subjected to an elastic device (Bonanno et al.).- Dynamics of discrete operator equations (Karakostas).- Research of four-dimensional dynamic systems describing processes of three'level assimilation (Chilachava et al.).- Two positive solutions for a nonlinear Neuman problem involving the discrete p-Laplacian (Bonanno et al.).- Structure of solution sets for fractional partial integro-differential equations (Benaouda).- Study of the Equivalent Impedance Of A Resonator Array Using Difference Equations (Albuquerque et al.).-Asymptotics of an Equation with Large State-Dependent Delay (Kashchenko).- About Some Methods of Analytic Representation and Classfication of a Wide Set of Geometric Figures with "Complex" Configuration (Tavkhelidze et al.).- On nonpower-law asymptotic behavior of blow-up solutions to Emden-Fowler type higher-order differential equations (Astashova et al.).- Third Order Iterative Method for Nonlinear Difference Schemes (Iumanova et al.).- Non-homogeneous boundary problems for one-dimensional flow of the compressible viscous and heat-conducting micropolar fluid (Draˇzic ).- The general case of cutting GML bodies (Gielis).- Computational simulation of bacterial i







定價:100 16239
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