《我是醫學生:基礎醫學漢語》是一套在“中文 醫學”理念指導下,針對來華學習醫學專業的漢語零起點學生編寫的綜合性醫學專用漢語教材。教材將醫學生的日常漢語學習和 HSK 應考能力提高相結合,將醫學專業知識和社會文化知識相結合,以實現漢語、醫學和文化相互融通的教學目標。 I Am a Medical Student: Preclinical Medicine Chinese is a series of integrated medical Chinese textbooks for beginners studying medical science in China under the guidance of the concept of “Chinese medicine”. It combines the learning of daily Chinese with the improvement of HSK test-taking ability, and combines medical knowledge with social and cultural knowledge, so as to achieve the teaching goal of integrating Chinese, medicine and culture.
《新實用漢語課本2(英文注釋)(第2版)》由劉珣主編。 《新實用漢語課本2(英文注釋)(第2版)》內容如下:New Practical Chinese Reader is a new series of textbooks designed for native English speakers to learnChinese. It consists of 70 lessons in six v