《出發》是一套專門為國際文憑大學預科項目漢語普通話初級課程編寫的教材,同時也可作為國際學校IBDP Mandarin ab initio 課程的主教材使用,亦可作為其他漢語初中級水平課程的有益補充。該教材具有以下特點:1.單元設計緊扣新大綱五大主題和二十個指定話題;2.文本內容以國際文憑學生日常生活為主線,符合高中生的心理及認知水平;3.文本類型涵蓋了新大綱所要求學習的
As the saying goes, If an old dog barks, he gives counsel.Old men, who walk more roads, eat more rice, read more books, have more experiences, enjoy more happiness, and endure more sufferings are experienced and knowledgeable, with rich life experience. Thus, what they say is mostly wise counsel, and young people should listen to them.We have compiled these nuggets of wisdom uttered by old men of the various ancient schools of thought into this series Wise Men Talking, and added explanatory notes and English translation for the benefit of both Chinese and overseas readers fond of traditional Chinese culture.
《實用漢語語法指南(英文版)》是一本漢語語法書,其前身是由法國著名漢學家白樂桑發起,聯合張祖建、金久高靜兩位作者共同編寫的漢語語法輔助教學材料。法文版名為《漢語語法使用手冊》(法文名為CHINOISMODED’EMPLOI-GRAMMAIRE PRATIQUE ET EXERCICES),於1996年在法國出版。該書實用、清晰,深入淺出地解釋漢語語法的用法,提供大量中文例句和方便學習者理解的法語諧音、口訣等,使漢語語法書易於教學、亦可自學。本次出版的是該書的英文版。英文版保留了法文版的語法解釋易被外國學習者理解接受的精髓,具有翻譯準確、例句清晰、結構合理、貼近受眾,易錯內容列出語誤舉例等特點,力求用外國受眾易於理解的語句講述漢語語法等顯著特點。在編排上一改原書以篇章排序的形式,變為辭書形式,語法詞條按中文詞頭的漢語拼音以及英文詞頭的單詞的字母順序排列,正文前有包含所有詞條的“音序目錄”,書後另附按語法的英文翻譯排列的“語法索引”,使其兼具輔助學習材料和辭書的雙重性質,提升了學習者使用、查詢的便利性。A Practical Guide to Chinese Grammar (English Version) is initiated by the famous French Sinologist Joël Bellassen and co-written by two other authors, Zhang Zujian and Kanehisa-Kao Tching. Its French version, CHINOISMODED’EMPLOI-GRAMMAIRE PRATIQUE ET EXERCICES, was published in 1996 in France. This book is practical, clear, and simple in explaining Chinese grammatical points, providing a large number of Chinese example sentences to facilitate learners’ understanding andaccess. Accurate translation, error-prone example sentences, and logi